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Posts posted by Blacksheep

  1. Thanks for the the amazing comments. We are all so different, all do different things in heels, and have different abilities and desires. The hardest thing about wearing heels is having to take them off, especialy if they are comfortable. That is whuy I have posed the question to find out what many of us achieve, and in many cases is as much if not more than many women do in heels. thanks for all the comment, and I look forward to reading more

  2. I have been wondering how far different people manage to walk at a time. I have been walking about 4 kilometersthree of four times aweek. the furthest I have walked at a time with out a break, is just over 8 kilomters. I prefer walking in my heeled hiking boots which have a small 4" block heel which are quit comfortable. I did a two K walk in the weekend at night wearing my 5.5" stilettos with a 1.5" platform. I even go a blister in such a short walk yet I wear them a lot but not so much for walking. This thread is not meant as a competion but to get some insight into who does what ps an easy way to measure your walks is using google earth and in their tools section, select Path then how ever units you want to measure by

  3. Sitting in a park, with a walkway past the bench, three women mid fourties or so, one said " see that guy" then one furthest away said " hi" , must have made their day anyway Another time, a guy couldn't help but stare as he walked on by, must have had a swivel in his neck. It is al good fun and great to hear of your adventures

  4. On my new pair of ankle hiking boots, I bought them in feb, and have aleardy had to replace the heel caps, second lot of heel caps almost worn out now too. Seems like the heel caps are good for about 100 kilometers of walking. I usually walk 4-6 k a day three or four days a week on all surfaces, so they do quite well

  5. Hi, yes I have worn heels when getting my haircut. She is a ts girl, and has now even offered to cut my hair whilst dressed in lingerie....... That maybe next time. She has a private salon who works from her own home, so it can be exciting to get haircuts. She doesn't consider it odd for men to wear heel

  6. I find parks are quite good, especially if there are mainly visitors to the region as compared to locals who you may recognize you. Likewise a town where you are not known, and preferably with lots of people around compared to with lots of one on one approaches. Wet weather is quoted than fine sunny days so choice of footwear is important. I have a pair of hiking heels, which have a plastic heel, I have worn out one set of heels already and have replaced the tips. Takes about 100 kilometers to wear them out. Have fun and enjoy your walks, it is than just around the house, as you get to learn to walk properly, and your calf muscles strengthen so no pain after a even a long walk. I usually walk about 4 -5 kilometers 2 or 3 times a week

  7. I would say, if you have 3" heels, make sure that you walk plenty in them. It is your calf muscles which need training, even with good ankle flex. If you feel sore calf muscles, then keep doing plenty of walking till you van walk 2 or 3 miles without sore muscles. Next move to you new four inch heels, and you may notice pain in the calf muscles. Keep up the walking, then when there is no undue discomfort, you are ready to move up higher if you desire. I wouldrecomend at least a 1/2 " platform, as it vives better ball support for your foot with out stone bruises which can occur when walking out from indoors. Just my pennies worth Have fun

  8. just uploaded pics of my new ankle boots which are a European style, maybe more like a tramping boot. very comfortable to wear and I often walk 3 klomters at a time. having a block heel, makes them more acceptable for mens wear and style is less feminine. having a 4" heel is just the right height for me so normally wear them between 3 and 12 hours every day



  9. I bought a pair of boots, they have a sturdy heel. I would have liked a Cuban heel as it is less noticeable. I covered by boots with my trousers and walked daytime and did a bout 5 kilometers in all. A total of four people did notice, but were far too polite to say anything. Busy is definitely better than quite where you potentially are on a one to one basis, but as your confidence increases, that does not worry you too much. You biggest problem lies between your ears, your personal confidence, but if no one is going to recognize you, then trust in that. Cheers

  10. If you are still a little unsure of wearing them out, try wearing your trousers over the boots, preferably trousers which drop to the ground. Wear them in a discrete place where you know no one and your biggest trouble will be arguing with yourself, but after you have done it once or twice there will be no looking back. Best of luck

  11. I did today, but not as much as I would have Liked. Tomorrow I will be wearing them a lot more and hopefully as much as idid on Christmas eve, when I went shopping and street walking daytime as a first for me , whilst nervous, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Merry Christmas to you all

  12. I have been out with Heel-Lover, had coffee together , and the attention from both males and females was minimal. Heel-Lover sahuaros in my own passion for heels and has given me a lot of encouragement to wear my new boots in public. I choose to wear them with trousers over the boots showing just a little heel. I go in 'guy mode' but like to wear earrings with them either small hoops or diamond studs. I am not gay but the ability to wear them with confidence and able to walk with out knees ahead of ankles is rather important. Cheers Heel-Lover Blacksheep

  13. Hi, I havent been o n for a while, but yes I recentlty bought a new pair of boots. I wasn't actualy looking for boots in particular, I was looking for closed toe, solid heel shoes around 3" - 4" hight suitable for walking in. the shop had a small selection of what I was looking for, but among the selection were boots at NZ$30.00. I tried them on , fitted perfectly as they were one size bigger than I would normally buy so my toes have a little more freedom. they had a full 4" heel with no platform, rounded toe mat black finish. When I went to check out, they were discounted more to NZ$27.00. the shop had a lot of larger size and wide heels too, some look more like boat as they are so big.(NZ size 11 womans) I have worn them out early morning and also spent up to 13 ours in one day in them and really looking forward to when I am out of town and can wear them all day

  14. we see in many pics heels being worn, with a gap between the rear and shoe and the heel. in short, the shoes are too big. courts are worse than pumps or strapped heels, as they depend on a good fit and a wee bit of toe action to keep them on, so if the foot is to short, there is no way they are safe, and certainly not good looking

  15. What would your thoughts be if you new the bus driver who was driving over alpine passes on a four hour journey was wearing his new 5.5" heels which have 1.5" platform? and I am sure my pasengers didnt even know I had just bought them and couldnt wait to break them in and feel them on my feet, so i slipped them on while on the road.

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