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Posts posted by Blacksheep

  1. Just collected my new Pleaser, devious scream 01 heels. they are size 10 with a 6 3/4" heel and 5mm dia heel tip. they are too high to walk in, standing is a challenge but awesome in bed



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  2. I was wearing my 5" helped boots. The other day, a car drove by, I could hear the driver yell something, however, he turned around about 200m down the road, then raced back and out the window, yelled " homo" and carried on. No other issues at all. Another interesting event was when I was wearing 4" heeled knee high boots, a convoy of about 10 police cars drove by,many almost broke their neck staring.

  3. post-1036-0-17900500-1346093267_thumb.jp here is one I taken last week, one of the first days to wear my knee highs out side my boots. i didnt quite like the over all look in so much as the trousers tend to bulk up above the knees post-1036-0-54245400-1346093427_thumb.jp The next pic was taken a week later, but i bought a pair of jeans which were a tighter fit, it was a nice spring day so better light. does the second pic look a bit like mutton dressed as lamb? at 60 yo one needs to be a wee bit careful
  4. The last pic was a nice spring day. One guy stopped and said 'nice boots' he later taken a pic in my direction, for what I am unsure. With the new jeans which are closer fitting, I tUrn up one fold to the top of the ankle bots, again , no comment and looks great, less bulk. I would have taken pics but the battery went flat on the camera

  5. I have added two pics taken recently and added them in my gallery of boots with trousers tucked in. They seem so natural worn this way. I do have the option to wear with trousers out and at times have worn them both ways on the same day, depending on how much i want to show or hide. when ever stopping to chat with people, ididnt ever notices eyes to the ground for a glance compared to when wearing trousers over boots, when occasionaly people will look down. i hope you like the pics and please leave comment

  6. For me, I prefer a solid heel in male atire for public heeling. They are less feminine and goes well with male clothing. When doing a lot of walking, a solid heel is more suitable, it also helps strengthen calf muscles, where as it is less likely to do a lot of walking in stilletos. I still like stilletos for around home and private use. In general, stilletos are less common both male and female but more common on female for going out of and evening, likewise for men, stilletos would look out of place as normal day wear when everyone else is wearing block heels or maybe flats. block heels of various shapes and design suit more occasions outdoors

  7. Congratulations on your outing. I too love boots, but generally keep the heel partly covered by trousers. Today I got a little more adventourous and wore blue jeans, with the bottom turned up by about 4" showing the whole heel, but also my ane boots. I felt even more comfortable wearing them that way around town than partly covered and only one person I noticed even looked down. It is always a thrill and thanks for sharing

  8. Any excersise routine that one does, when muscles are used, then they can ach a little. With time, as they become fitter, the ach will disappear. Do lots of walking, but limit yourself to say once or twice a week to start with, then after two or three weeks, you will surprise yourself, how much you can achieve with out pain. Three or four kilometers at a time is good

  9. I found, that just around home was not like 'the real thing' I T wasn't till I bought a pair of 4" heeled calf length boots and did a few kilometers that my calf muscles told me what I had Ben doing. About once a week there after, two or three k at a time, but not over do it, your confidence will build, your muscles will handle it and your ankle flex will improve. Around home is great, but practice all surfaces. When walking, think of your self walking along a plank of about 200mm wide, knees not ahead of ankles, shoulders back, and looking at your feet as you walk. What part of nz are you and welcome to huh place

  10. Great stuff, looks a long way down off the edge. I was number 5 to view your clip, be interesting to see how fast the numbers build. First time out is most scary and rewarding, still be scary in the future, but you will now have the confidence to take on new challenges and locations. Happy new year too

  11. I too have been following Izzy, she writes well and defends negtives gatiously. her hub has been gaining a lot of momentum lately so it is nice to keep it running for her.there are also another couple of authers who write to encourage men to wer heels and ensure that women also appreciate it. lucy83, Isabel Melvile, Hope Alexander, Tim Turner and Levywilliam. worth checking out and even writing your own hubs as well

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