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Posts posted by Foxyheels

  1. Good advice from the Doctor about stairs. I have the issue that I am naturally a bit clumsy, I trip and miss my step when walking sometimes even in my trainers so then it happens in heels it clearly looks exaggerated. I'm so used to it though I quickly recover but to the onlooker they would assume it's because I'm a bloke in heels.

  2. Clearly there is no 'one size fits all' and the modern definition of Transgender quite rightly is an umbrella term covering many different types of people. There are all types of people and it's great we are being encouraged to be ourselves taking our own place on the spectrum of gender.

    I accept what people want to be and some can clearly live happily crossing perceived gender types. Whatever makes people happy within the law is fine by me.

  3. I can understand where you are coming from, my general style is purely heels and jewellery sometimes with women's jeans and tops but I present as a male. That's not to say I don't fully cross dress at times but I believe that is not for this site. This site is about encouraging MEN  to wear heels in their day to day life and this is what I do 99% of the time. I keep the 1% away from this site as I was led to believe it was not appropriate.

    I also agree we are in danger of moving from that 'heels as a fashion option for men' site as we seem to be accepting of more and more traditionally female clothing being allowed into pictures on this site.


    I have no issue with any of it but we must have a clear steer as to what is acceptable as I agree with Dan that currently an independent would view this as a transvestite site. That's fine as I do identify as Transgender under the umbrella definition but I do think this site should remain a high heel site encouraging men to have freedom to wear them in a way that most of the population would describe as 'a man in heels' way.

  4. Well in the context of people's feelings purely to my choice of shoes/ boots I'm probably a 5 99% of the time as I really don't care what they think. It's my life and I will wear what I want. If they have an issue with it then that's their problem.

  5. We line you a lot Foxyheels, but we don't line your spelling missteaks. :D Just kidding ya. Don't take it seriously, mate! Amature Proorfreadder

    That will teach me to type quickly on my phone with my fat fingers and not check prior to posting.
  6. I must be getting oblivious to any reactions as I don't seem to get rot see it any more. People really don't seem to care anymore about men wearing heels, I believe fashion freedom in general is becoming more acceptable and those that dress against the norm is becoming normal and consequently a bit of a non event.

  7. I agree with Jeff the lady clearly found the male's behaviour creepy and unfortunately has now associated a male liking women's shoes with being creepy. It may be hard to convince her otherwise now but it is nothing more than a misfortune occurrence. This is not the general view of a woman it would have been the same if he exclusively photographed women in mini skirts. My point is it's the person she despises really and not his like of ladies shoes. You may wish to try and educate her but personally I would be cautious with that. 

  8. I would suggest you go to the White rose shopping centre, I have spent th day shopping there wearing heels with no issues what so ever. It's a nice busy environment and easy to walk on heels for a long time as the surface is so smooth. You can park close to an entrance and nobody should bother you. You might get a few sales girls compliment you though, vey down to earth people and friendly as I'm su you are aware. Just don't go out on a match day as your football fans ar not too tolerant.

  9. A friend of mine who had a stroke several years ago and only has the use of one hand took up model making after he became disabled. He made a scale replica of the old stadium of our football club. It now resides in a specially built glass case provide by our owners in the reeption of our new stadium. He is currently building a fairground, his work is amazing.

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