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Posts posted by Bubba136

  1. Usually, soft tipped (rubber, nylon) stilettos heels do not damage hardwood floors, especially floors made using well seasoned oak boards.  As you point out,  metal tipped stilettos, capped with steel heel pads are the styles that usually cause damage.  We had the floors in our house in Charleston that was built back in the 1860s, refinished as a final task in our restoration project.  After the refinishing was finished, my wife also laid down the law about my walking on them while wearing heels.  Her concern was more about the cost of repairing any damage after our having spent a fortune to have them restored.  


  2. 10 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    I remember Jane, but I never chatted with her. The main person I remember in chat (besides you) was a woman named Stephanie. By the time I was around, Jenny herself did not show up to chat very often. In any case, I did not forge any personal relationships with anybody from there--it would not have occurred to me to do so in the first place, and my (now) ex-wife would have had a cow in the second place. I am not really sure why I was ever on there at all, since I was not a heel wearer at the time. I guess I was trying to live vicariously through people who actually did wear heels, as I never thought it was possible to wear them myself and have any sort of normal life. I do remember people being very nice to me in the chat room, despite the fact that I must have seemed a bit of a voyeur.

    It was also Jenny (and Debbie) who gave me the idea that perhaps one actually could hack wearing very high heels very regularly and actually enjoy it, and actually be able to walk more than 100 yards without worrying about her shoes. My ex-wife was having none of that. While she did wear heels almost every working day, they were always 2 -2 1/2" block heeled pumps. She felt that anything higher than that was "unprofessional." And impossible to wear all day, every day. She would wear higher for special occasions, but she couldn't hack them for more than an hour or two, and refused to entertain any notion that it was possible to condition oneself to actually wear these extreme 3 1/2" heels, or if she ever secretly did, felt it was a waste of time.

    I mention all of these things to stroll down Memory Lane for a minute, but also because I remember there was a section on Jenny's website about conditioning and training. I seem to recall (perhaps wrongly) that it was quite extensive, and involved a lot of walking in heels, something I did not think was possible at the time. I would very much like to read that section again, just for the fun of it. Do you have any sections of Jenny's old website archived in some way, by any chance?

    On edit: I'm stepping pretty hard on your thread, @Isolathor. Sorry about that. I hope you don't mind too much.

    Saturday nights, at 7 pm EST, were reserved for visits with Jenny and a host of other friends in her chat room.  I no longer have any of the material I saved from that period.  Several years years ago, I ran across a website that contained an archives of old websites.  While it did list Jenny’s site, I was unable to open it.  

  3. On 4/29/2021 at 6:33 AM, mlroseplant said:

    To my eye, those look about right. In my size, I suppose they would be about 5 1/2", or 14 cm. Way beyond my abilities, but they look about right to me.

    A long, long time ago, but judging from your join date maybe not before your memory, there used to be this gal on Jenny's old site called Debbie from Hong Kong, or DebbieHK, or something like this. Supposedly, she could hack wearing shoes like that every day, and there were others too, back when this site used to have women on it. However, as you well know, over the years there have been quite a number of members who turned out to be completely fictional, and for reasons I can't fathom. Why would you ever do that? Anyway, it's really hard sometimes to separate fact from fiction. I agree that for 99.99% of people, those qualify as stupidly high, and that solidly includes me.

    Funny that you should mention DebbyHk.  I was going through a bunch of old computer disks a came across several where I had saved many pictures of her wearing extreme heels.  She was a real person.  Over the span of our correspondence, I purchased and sent several pairs of “Wild Pair” heels that she wore and sent back pictures of her wearing them to me.  I still have her logo and would post it here if I could figure out how to do that.  Last I heard from her was that she and her husband  were having difficulties.  I tried to telephone her several times after that but she never responded.  Jenny’s chat website was really great.  Made a lot of friends that I often think about. Remember Jane from Australia?

  4. Such undertakings (long walks and long periods of standing) emphasize the importance of having and wearing well made and properly fitting shoes.  You can’t achieve walking long distances or wear bad fitting footwear if you are contemplating spending a lot of time standing comfortably in high heels.  A lesson that I learned from my mother. 

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