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Posts posted by Bubba136

  1.  Alice Jane Davis Kelly, stifling a big yawn, walked into the kitchen still struggling into her robe.  She flipped the switch turning on the kitchen lights, pressed the “start button on the coffee maker, thus beginning another day in the lives of the Kelly family of Montclair, South Carolina, USA.

    Alice Jane Davis married James Donavan Kelly almost fifteen years ago. In her mind the last fourteen years are a huge blur.  Graduating from college, finding a job she loved, marrying James  Kelly, birthing three children and living on a farm, almost off the “grid” in the middle of nowhere, which in her wildest dreams, were never anywhere in her future.

    The day she walked across the Universe’s stage to collect her diploma bestowing a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism upon her,  Alice Jane Davis’ (called Jane by her family and friends because her mother’s name was also Alice) mind was filled with dreams of becoming a successful fashion writer employed by one of the three most successful and influential fashion magazines being sold on news stands across America.  Instead, she had fallen in love with the most handsome man on the face of this content. First Lieutenant James D. Kelly, USA.

    1/Lt Kelly was a helicopter pilot just returning to the United States after a tour in Vietnam .    
    He was a friend of her brother and they were currently assigned to the same Army unit. When her brother told him that he was going to Jane’s graduation ceremony, James told him that he had graduated from the same University with degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation Administration, her brother invited James to come with him.  He introduced James and Jane to each other.

    Jane, was a smashingly beautiful young woman ( cornflower blue eyes, long natural blonde hair, red lips, and a curvaceously formed body with long, shapely legs). And James, described in the male context, as stunningly handsome ( otherwise described as “the most beautiful male specimen envisioned by the entire artistic community of America).

    Jane and James were married on Jane’s 23rd birthday, shortly after James completed his military obligations and was released from active duty (James was 25).

    From the very first day of this extraordinary union, this couple never experienced the usual “start of life” difficulties newly wed couples almost always experience — employment opportunities, financial adjustments, and housing arrangements— were unknown.  Jane landed a well paying position as a writer for a popular and influential fashion magazine (one of the three). And after a personal visit with the editors at the magazine’s headquarters In New York City, the editors, captivated by her stunningly beautiful appearance, began using her as a feature model whose pictures frequently appeared in the magazine along with her articles.  James, on the other hand, completed transitioning to fixed wing aircraft, became a fully qualified commercial pilot and landed a job as a corporate pilot, supervising the aviation and travel section of a Fortune 500 Corporation.

    James loved the way Jane looked when she was formally dressed, especially when wearing shoes with super high heels.  And Jane, on the other hand was more comfortable informally dressed and since most of her work, her writing and research, was done from home, she lived mostly in T-shirts, shorts and flats.  James insistence that she dress formally wearing super high heels at all of his corporate functions, as well as for almost all of their other out of the house activities, became a sore spot in their relationship to a point it had become extremely bothersome.  She decided that she had to make him quit insisting that she wear high heels to every event they attend.

    While the subject was still on her mind, James walked in to her office and announced that they had received an invitation from one of their community leaders to a dance at the local county club next Friday night.  And since they both were going to be at home, he thought they should go. Jane agreed and said that she was willing to go provide she could wear a pair of comfortable dress shoes suitable for dancing.  James, taken aback, began registering his disagreement, telling her how he thought that her wearing her highest heels was absolutely necessary. Jane, at this point, became totally pissed and told him that if he thought it was necessary, then he should wear them.

    In fact, she was so angry, she went even further by saying that if he expected her to go anywhere with him ever again, next Thursday night he was going to take her out to dinner at one of the nicer restaurants in town completely dressed as a woman, wearing everything including underwear, makeup and high heels.  She said she was tired of his demands and thought it was about time he learned first hand how annoying it was for a woman to dress up to go out.

    James was astounded! After catching his breath, overcoming his surprise, he shouted how absurd her suggestion was. He told her that in his 27 year life not only had he never worn a piece of women’s clothing, he never even had a desire too.  He shouted that he’d be damned if he was going to start now. Their discussion became heated.  Jane didn’t give an inch and James was equally determined not to agree to crossdressing and appearing in public at her insistence.

    Finely, after heated rounds of abusive hollering at each other, Jane issued the big “U” (ultimatum): “Either you agree to do this or the first thing in the morning I am leaving you..  Dumbfounded at hearing Jane’s words, he walked out of her office heartbroken that she would take a firm stand on such a trivial issue and place their here-to-before perfect relationship in dire jeopardy.

    James retreated to his den.  Devastated, he sat down and began analyzing their relationship from its beginning.  The first meeting, their courtship, the first year and a half of their married life, their financial and employment situation, their most satisfying intimate sex life. He could find no evidence of difficulties or disappointment anywhere. Everything between them appeared to be perfect. Finally, he determined it must be something he was doing  that was causing all of the tension.

    The difficulty, he surmised, centered on his insistence that she wear super high heels whenever she dresses up.  To him, Jane was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  Her classic, natural beauty, sparkling, feminine personality along with her appearance when she was dressed for a party or when her picture appeared in a magazine, in his mind she never was properly attired unless she was wearing high heels.

    she let him know early in their marriage that she preferred shoes with low heels rather than the super high heel heels he insisted she wear. She found them to be uncomfortable and only wore them to please him. He recalled how often she complained when he told her to change into shoes with higher heels.

    This might just be a flaw in his personality responsible for her reaction.  As a young boy in his preteen years, he secretly admired women wearing high heels. While he often wondered how they could walk in them, he had no desire to wear heels himself. And he remembered how much pleasure he felt whenever he glimpsed a well dressed woman wearing pretty high heels at church or one of the various formal events he attended with his parents.

    James returned to Jane’s office a couple of hours later determined to talk the situation through.  He would apologize and find a solution to this dilemma.  Jane, while she had cooled off from their argument, was still determined that he was going to take her to dinner dressed as a woman.

    After Adamantly voicing his objections to dressing as a woman, James realized that he was not getting anywhere because Jane’s mind was set in concrete.  His choices: do as she demanded or risk losing her. So, when he asked how she planned to do this, Jane, realizing that she was accomplishing her purpose, quickly outlined a simple plan:  Tomorrow- Monday, she would go shopping and get everything he would need: Dresses, underwear, stockings, shoes and a wig.  That would give them most  of the day tomorrow, all day Tuesday, Wednesday. And most of the day on Thursday to learn and practice his female voice, mannerisms and walking in his high heels, before going out.  Jane, reflecting  on the task ahead realized that she had “a long way to go and a short time to get there.” But being a woman and a fashion expert, she was confident that she would succeed.

    Jane drove into town the next morning to her favorite Dress Shop.  She had a good idea how James should look and what she needed. Getting the right size wasn’t a problem because she already knew his male sizes and converting them to women’s sizes would’t be hard for her

    Jane quickly selected his lingerie: two slips, two braziers, four pairs of panties and several pairs of pantyhose.  Next she went to the dress rack.  Sorting through the gowns, she chose two semi-formal items.  One was a modest, slightly off shoulder with with a knee length hem. The other, an attractive rayon dress, light blue in color with a hem an inch or two shorter.

    Satisfied with her choices, she walked over to the shoe section and selected two pairs of classic pumps with 5 1/2 inche heels. One was a pair in red patent and the other in black patent leather. She found both pairs in his size. After paying for her purchases, Jane walked next door to a hair salon where she selected a auburn color wig with shoulder length hair that she was positive would accent his hazel green eyes.

    James, hearing her car come up the driveway, went to meet her and helped carry her stuff upstairs to the bedroom. Looking at the pile of packages on the bed, he began to get worried.

    Jane, eager to get started, took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom where she handed him her razor and told him to take a bath and shave his legs and under his arms.  Fortunately, he had a beard like a twelve year old, thin, soft and light in color, almost unnoticeable. The hair on the rest of his body was sparse, thin and neutral in color.  After a quick soak in water scented with Lavender bath oil, he shaved like he was told and as he was drying off, Jane came in and handed one of her robes to him and told him to put it on. James, handing it back, said that it was hers.  Jane replied “ not any longer, I just gave it to you. It’s yours from now on.” He put it on and went back into the bedroom where Jane was unwrapping some of the lingerie.

    She handed him a pair of panties telling him to put them on. Then she handed him one of the brassieres telling him that “you know how this goes. You’ve watched me get dressed often enough.” He took the bra, slid his arm through the straps, turned around so she could fasten it. Next, Jane opened a package of pantyhose, handed them to James remarking that he had watched her climb into pantyhose often enough that “ he knew the drill.”  James went and sat down on the bed, and just like he watched her, put the hose on, stood up pulled the top up around his hips.

    James stood up, turned around and saw his reflection in the full length mirror that was fastened on the back of the closet door— the mirror Jane used to check how she looked whenever she got dressed to go out.  He just stood there looking at himself, gawking with his mouth wide open. Staring in disbelief at his reflection, dressed wearing nothing but a  brassiere, a pair of panties and pantyhose.  How on earth and why had he ever left his beloved wife talk him into doing this,he would never understand.

    Jane walked back into the bedroom. She had gone to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. She saw James standing there looking at himself. She smile and thought to herself “were just getting started, there’s a lot more to come.”  She went to the bed and took out one of the new slips out of the package, handed it to James telling him to put it on. He slipped it over his head and she helped him pull it into place guiding it down over his hips. She took a long loving look at him and thought “end of phrase I.

    Jane broke his spell by taking his hand and sitting him down at her dressing table, telling him that she wanted to see how he looked wearing makeup.  Before he could say anything, she got out her makeup kit and began applying a layer of foundation cream.  James just sat there absorbing the punishment realizing the transition he was undergoing along with the futility of complaining.  The entire situation was totally out of his control.

    As a professional model and author of many articles on female fashion and dress, Jane was a recognized expert in her profession. While she could recall and recite all of her life mates extraordinarily handsome looks, feature by feature, this was the very first time she had looked at him from her professional perspective of highlighting all of his best features and accenting his female characteristics in order to enhance his womanly attractiveness.  In other words,how to make him a better looking woman.

    Jane was stumped.  She had tried three different techniques.  None of them giving her the look she was trying to achieve. She was about to give up but decided to try one more time. The old Less is the Best technique.  Taking advantage of his natural “peaches and cream “complexion applying just enough makeup on his cheeks, eyebrows and eyelashes to enhance his natural beauty, she got what she was looking for.  He looked gorgeous. Even James was Impressed.  After all, since he had to endure all of this, the least he deserved was to emerge looking pretty.  Jane thought to herself end of phase lI.

    James stood up. Jane stood looking at his beautiful face with just a hint of makeup to complete enhancing his natural beauty.  In her wildest thoughts she could never have imagined a more beautiful face.  Now, let’s finish what we started.

    Jane took James by the hand and stood him off to one side of the bedroom. Out of view of the mirror She quickly took the new red dress off of the hanger and held it up in front of him to gauge the fit.  It appeared that it would fit him just fine.  She handed it to James. He put his arms into the sleeves and slid the dress over his head and with Jane’s help, pulled it down over his hips and into place and zipped up the back. It fit him perfectly.

     Next, Jane picked up the new pair of red pumps, handed them to James and told him to put them on. Sitting on the bed James slid his feet into thenew pumps. Jane stood beside him as he took hold of her arm and stood up. He took a couple of steps testing his balance.  Jane was surprised that he wasn’t having any problem wearing his high heels for the very first time.  She went and got his wig Ann helped him put it

    Now he was completely dressed in women’s clothes., wearing high heels and a beautifully styled wig. Jane took his arm and they stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection. He looked gorgeous. As they stood there admiring James’ new appearance, Jane became frightened. It never occurred to her that his makeover would be so successful. That he would be able, in her opinion, to pass as a woman anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances.  She was frightened at the prospects of what was about to happen.

    The only missing piece in this scenario was a name. What are we going to call this stunningly beautiful creature?  They discussed various names. Jane suggested they call her June. She always liked that name and thought thought that she would call her daughter Mary June, if she ever had one.  James liked Jamie, with a last name of Donavan,his middle name.  Hummmm!  Miss. Jamie Donavan, his cousin from Davenport, Iowa.  It sounded wholesome.

    it was way past super time. James suggested that he grill hamburgers and they could create a bio for Jamie while they ate.  And James suggested since he was already dressed as he was, he should stay that way until they got ready for bed.  Jane just smiled.


                                                             More to Come  

  2. It was 6 P.M. straight up when Mark Clift pulled up in front of the 1st. National Bank on Park Street and put the car in “Park”.  Mark looked up and spotted Sandy walking out of the front door.  She started towards the car as soon as she saw it.  

    Mark looked lovingly at this attractively dressed, very pretty young woman walking confidently across the sidewalk.  She was wearing one of the new sun dresses that she bought last Saturday when she and Mark were shopping at Cross Town Mall.  Carrying her purse across her body, she reached out, opened the door and got in beside Mark. Once she closed the door she leaned across the seat and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, said hello fellow male female friend!

     (Mark was wearing one of the dresses he bought at the same mall, at the same time, as Sandy bought her’s, along with his white T-strapsandals with the 5 inch heels.  His dress, a light blue sun dress with thin shoulder straps and a hemline that dropped just below the knee)

    Mark, returning her greeting, while starting the engine and easing into traffic. Where are we headed? Sandy asked as they picked up speed.  How about Frank and Jonnie’s for supper ?  Oh, good. Jonnie frys the best chicken. And I am really hungry, Sandy replied.

    They walked into the restaurant after parking the car and were greeted by Frank Conner, the owner.  Frank and Mark had been friends for years.  Frank, taking an approving look at the way Mark was dressed, said” Beautiful Dress.”(Frank knew the story and often remarked that if they paid him as much as they paid Mark, he’d wear dresses to work, too) Then turning to Sandy, he remarked: “Not that shabby, yourself.  Then taking Sandy’s arm, he said” let me escort you two elegant dressed people to your table” as he led them through the dining room. 

    After they were seated and had given the waiter their drink order, Mark spotted an old friend sitting at at a table across the room, along the wall.  He remarked, Their is an old friend that I haven’t seen in a long time.  He told Sandy to come with him and I’ll introduce you to one of today’s most beautiful people.

    Mark walked to the table and said “Hello, Jane. It’s been awhile.  Jane, looking up from the table, recognition lighting up her face, responded “why, hello Mark!  I am so glad to see you.  She stood up and kissed his cheek and gave him a big hug.  After a few words about when the last time they had seen each other,  Jane turned to her companion sitting across the table and introduced her to Mark and Sandy, saying “Mark, I would like you to meet my husband’s cousin, Jamie Donavan.”  

    Jamie reached out and, lady like, took took his hand and acknowledged their introduction.  Mark, turning to Sandy, said that he would love them both to meet his girlfriend, Sandy Brewer!  Then he said to Sandy, “this is a good friend of mine: Mrs. Jane Davis Kelly and her Friend Miss Jamie Donavan”  Sandy was dumbfounded. But, she managed to say that it was her pleasure to meet both of them.

    Jane, acknowledging the introduction, turned to Mark and asked if he would mind her and Jamie joining them at their table? Saying that she would really like to catch up with him and get to know Sandy.  Their table had more room since theirs was against the wall.  Mark related how pleased they would be if they would joint hem.

    Frank Conner, also an old friend of Jane’s, helped the waiter move their things over to the other table. And after things settled down, Jane remarked that she sees that mark is still one of the best dressed ladies in town, laughing.  Mark said he was even better dressed since Sandy was helping him select his outfits

    Jane explained to Jamie how it came about that Mark was wearing a dress and heels.  Jamie remarked that She was of a mind that there was no amount of money that would be enough to get a man to do that. Mark mentioned figure, and asked”even that amount?  To which Jamie replied WOW!  For that amount, if I were a man, I would too.

    Mark asked How long they would be in town and what were they doing while they were here? Jane explained, they were here for an exclusive fashion event.  A company she was associated with had contracted with a major chain of women clothing stores to manufacture, distribute and promote the sale of a dress designed by a really big, famous French designer.  They gave me the task of analyzing the dress, looking at the  design, fabric , ease of production and sale ability in their clothing stores.  I completed my analysis and submitted my report.   My company, in turn, completed their part of the contract and after reviewing the results, the clothing company decided to contract with my company to handle the whole process.  Manufacturing, production, distribution, marketing and publicly— read advertising.

    Advertising, is where I come in.  Actually the dress is a really nice item.  The fabric is quality stuff.  The design is informal and cute, really very appealing and attractive.  The market that we’re aiming for is pointed more toward younger women, the cost in between,  a little more expensive than the less expensive stuff and not as expensive as the upper line.

    While this scenario seems to be easy to carry out, there are a few things that make it more difficult, especially for me.  There is the possibility of all kinds of problems all along the line.  I am not concerned with any of them in the manufacturing process on and up through distribution into the retail stores.  My company has obligated me without my permission or consent, to certain conditions that if they are not met, kills the whole deal.  My company has placed their entire existence into this contract.  And it’s success or failure is directly on my shoulders.  That might sound a little melodramatic because there are many’ other breakdown’s possibilities along the way that can cause failure.  But the only provision in this contract that kills the entire deal, if not fulfilled, is the one applicable to me, personally.

    This whole thing came about because Jamie happened to be visiting us in South Carolina when I received this assignment.  After reading the elements in the study, I thought it would be fun to get Jamie’s input.  So I asked her opinion.  And got her to try it on and informally model it to give me some idea of what it would look like being worn. It was a lovely gown.

    Now, as you can see. Jamie is drop dead gorgeous.  So, I had the brainstorm idea of taking pictures of Jamie modeling the dress.  Then, I attach her pictures to my report and sent it back to my company.  My company, satisfied with my analysis, discussed it with the clothing chain.  The clothing chain was pleased with the results 

    Subsequently, when the clothing chain returned with the offer to my company to handle the entire project, the one condition that they insisted upon was that Jamie be the symbol for the dress and represent it in all facets. All is good for Jamie, eh!

    Here’ the rub.  Jamie is Dr. Jamie Donavan.PhD, Astronomy, Director of The Interstellar Space Program at NASA and under exclusive contract for the next four years.

    So, that is the situation.

     Mark, scratching his head, said that is a lot to digest.

    The waiter arrived with Mark and Sandy’’s supper.

    Jane, sitting back in her chair, the asked for a cup of coffee and Jamie a glass of Iced Tea.

    Jane, looking at Sandy asked her to stand up.  Sandy put her fork on her plate and stood up.  Jane then asked her to turn around, which she did,  then she asked her to walk a few steps away. 

    Jane, turned to Jamie and said “That’s exactly the look I want.  The look I I am looking for.

    She asked Sandy if she was busy tomorrow?  Sandy looked at Mark and asked “what do you have planned, anything ?  Mark replied that was what we were going to talk about on the way home.

    Jane asked Mark and Sandy to meet them at the studio around 9:30. And an idea that she wanted to explore. Mark, asked Jane “How do you want me to dress”, to which Jane said he could wear anything he wanted too.

    After talking over old times for another hour and after both Frank and Johnie joined them for a cup of coffee and to renew their old friendships, Jane and Jamie went to their hotel.  

    NOTE   (Jamie is actually Jane Davis Kelly’s husband, Mr.James Donavan Kelly, Executive Vice President of a Fortune 500 Company.  James’. Transformation into Jamie Donavan is quite a story, in its self.  Too long and complicated to relate here. But, perhaps at the right time.
     Jane actually is Mrs. James D. Kelly. She is a well known woman’s fashion writer who’s articles have appeared, at one time or another, in most of the better known fashion magazines, and she is a  featured model, a world famous beauty. )


                                                                  Sandy’s story 


    Sandy Brewer, a very pretty girl, just passed her 24th birthday.  She was born and raised in a small town in Minnesota. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Management and Finance.  She moved to the city and was working as a secretary at a bank to pay her bills - and also as a part time fashion model at Parson’s Fashion Studio and Designed Agency.  

    Sandy began her career as a model in a very unusual way. One Saturday morning over a year ago, she walked into the studio on a whim, seeking a tryout as a model.

    Mrs. Helen Parker, the studio director, saw Sandy walking down the hall toward her.  Pointing at the door open on her left, Mrs. Parker shouted “Get into that dressing room and change into the dress that is hanging on the rack in the middle of the room. “ Sandy, frightened out of her wits by the loud voice, scurried into the room, spotting the dress began taking off her clothes.  Helen Parker rushed in behind her, and at a frantic pace, began grabbing things, trying simultaneously to explain what was happening.

    Sandy, tying the belt after putting on the dress, reached out and took the pair of ankle socks and black patent Mary Jane’s, Mrs. Parker was desperately trying to give to her.  She sat on a stool, put on the shoes and ankle socks as Helen Parker, make up kit in her hand, put some powder on Sandy’s face and lipstick on her lips.Taking Sandy’s hand, Mrs. Parker pushed her through a curtain covered doorway into a photo session that was taking place.  The setting was a farm yard with a wooden fence and farm scene backdrop.  There was a photograph and two gorgeous women modeling newly created gowns.  Without a word, the photographer placed Sandy in the scene and the other models in various positions and began taking pictures. 

    After about 45 minutes, the photographer packed up his camera and other equipment and left.  The other models along with Sandy went back into the dressing room, changing into their own street clothes.  Sandy and the models talked for about an hour together and became acquainted.  

    About that time Mrs. Parker came into the room and began explaining what happened.  She told Sandy that one of their most active designers had made arrangements for a supplemental photo shoot for this morning.  Every thing was in place, perfectly setup and ready to go, when one of the models mentioned the  “the Alice”model hadn’t arrived yet.  Everything stopped but the payroll.  Some one called the people that made the arrangements who said they never called for the “Alice in wonderland” type. They were not aware one was needed.  

    Mrs. Parker, learning that her carefully planned photo shoot was about to go down in flames, was desperate for any body that she could throw into the mix in order to save the production. Sandy walked in at a perfect moment.

     Not only was Sandy’s timing fortunate but her appearance perfect for the part. Sandy had that “Farm Girl” look.  Young, very pretty, wholesome girl next door look.

    Mrs. Parker wrote down Sandy’ contact information and uses her whenever she needs a model with her characteristics.

    So much for Sandy’s introduction to the “Wonderful World of fashion.”




    5 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Not meaning to be a jackwagon, but somehow or other, you switched from third person to first person at the end of the first paragraph. Is this on purpose?


    3 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

    I noticed that but too late to change.  Besides, I am not a writer’ and was unsure of how to make the transition.. it was more or less planned I just find that I have a lot more time to play since I’m older and retired.


  3. Mark Clift’s cellphone rang.he looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Sandy Brewer, his girlfriend.  He was planning on getting together with her later this evening and was about to call her and now he wouldn’t have to. He answered, but before he could ask her about tonight, she interrupted him saying that she wanted him to meet her at one of the better department stores in their community because they were having a surprise dress sale, as well some shoes and other stuff, and she thought that both of us might be able to find some real bargains.

    She sounded so excited and enthusiastic that I couldn’t say no. So I told her that I would meet her there and suggested that she go ahead and see if she could find some things that she might like.  So, I jumped into my car and started towards the store.

    Sandy and me, were becoming quite close friends. We first met where I work. She is a secretary at a local bank and a part time model.  One morning she was modeling a new dress by a local designer, showing at a late morning fashion show, and fell and skinned her knee while walking down the runway.  I was working the show as the runway facilitator and quickly came to her aid. We went to lunch after the doctor treated her knee and the show ended.  She was very curious about my appearance.  I am a man who is required to wear women’s clothing while working. (It’s a long story) but the job pays very well and I don’t have any problems working wearing dresses and high heels.  In fact, I’ve come to enjoy it. And when completely dressed,including makeup and jewelry, I can easily pass as a good looking woman (or so I’ve been told.)

    While driving to the store I kept thinking that I really didn’t need any more summer clothes because I had just bought some.  But it  never hurts to look.  Besides I might find some shoes that I might like on sale.  I am always on the lookout for heels that I can wear to work every day.  It’s becoming more difficult to find good quality high heels these days.  Women aren’t wearing them very much anymore. I am always on the lookout for another pair.  

    Every since I  began wearing women’s clothes and heels to work, I have grown to love them.  In fact, I even wear them when dressed as a man.  I often get some crazy comments when wearing them but I don’t let them bother me any longer. It’s the possibility of physical danger from unbalanced kooks that is of more concern these days.

    My girlfriend kind of likes me in dresses.  She understands that I’m required to wear dresses at work to keep my job and has become so used to seeing me in dresses and heels that she probably wouldn’t recognize me if I was dressed any other way. Besides it gives us a lot in common. Being able to talk about women’s clothing fashions is another subject in which we both are interested — besides baseball and hockey.

     I arrived at the store and found Sandy inside sorting through what looked to be several hundred different dresses.  I asked if she had found any that she liked? She replied that she had found three but found more that she thought that I would like because “they’re more my taste “.

    I explained that I really don’t need any more dresses right now but I am always looking for shoes. So, she took me by the hand and led me into the shoe department.  We spent the next couple of hours trying on shoes. I did manage to find five pairs of with heels higher than five inches, to which Sandy could not understand how I could wear heels that high without damaging my feet. While she loves shoes as much as I do, she goes for really feminine styles with straps and bows, really cute, girle pairs, with lower heels. (Now that I think about it I don’t believe that I’ve ever seen her wear heels higher than 2 or 2 1/2 inches, except on the runway, since we’ve been dating.)

    We took the shoes that I had just purchased and went back to the dress department to get the dresses that Sandy wanted and then since it was late, drove back to my place where we ate some very good spaghetti that I cooked yesterday.  Then I put her back into my car and drove back to the department store to get her car, and followed her to her apartment making sure she got home safely.

    Our relationship, Sandy and mine, is quickly becoming more than just girlfriend/boyfriend. There definitely is a strong attraction between us. But, this seems to me like a “slow dance” to soft romantic music where we are content to just hold each other and let the energy flow between us. It’s just too early to tell.

    I really think I am fortunate to have found some very nice heels tonight. And, there is one pair that I can hardly wait to wear to work tomorrow.

                         More to come 

    • Like 3
  4. I have several pairs of wedge heel sandals that I wear with my shorts. Also have a pair of Jessica Simson high heel sandals that are just right for summer wear with jeans or dressier trousers.  More for summer wear at a night time dining experience than on the boardwalk or beach. 

  5. On 5/29/2024 at 3:27 PM, Cali said:

    My stilettos have worn a hole in the rubber car mat in front of the gas (petrol) peddel.

    I had the same thing happen. My heels shredded the floor mat in my truck a few years back.

  6. Mark Clift jumped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and dryed himself off.  When he was dry, he  reached over and grabbed a pair of panties off of the counter, slipped them on and pulled them up around his waist.  After a quick shave, he walked into the closet and began searching through his dresses that were hanging there.  A regular dress or one of the new sun dresses that he bought a couple of days ago.

    A regular dress:  Pantyhose, pumps, a light jacket suited for the end of May weather. A Sun dress: Bare legs, polished toes and sandals. A light sweater incase it got cool.   He wasn’t in the mood to take the time to shave his legs and polish his toenails this morning.  So he chose an attractive light blue dress, tan pantyhose and a pair of classic white pumps with four inch heels 👠

    He picked up his brassiere, put his breast forms into the cups and put it on.  Next, he grabbed his pantyhose and struggle into them.  Mark took a clean slip out of the drawer, pulled it over his head and adjusted it around his hip.  Picking up his dress, he put it on. He slipped his feet into his white high heels. Just a hint of powder on his face and a thin layer of lipstick. He looked at his reflection in the mirror.  Satisfied with his appearance, he picked up his jacket and headed out the door.

    He was heading to the coffee shop to meet his girlfriend. Sandy Brewer was a secretary and part time fashion model. She was performing at a fashion show when he met her.  She was walking down the runway when one of her heels caught in a crack.  She fell down,ripping her stockings and skinning her knee.

    Mark, a fashion show “Facilitator,“ rushed out and helped her get up.  He helped her off of the runway to the dressing room where he called the doctor to come and fix her up.

    As she thanked him for coming to her aid, she realized that Mark was a man.  What’s going on here?  He was dressed as a woman, high heels and all.  You are a man, she exclaimed. Yes, I am, he answered.  Let the doctor see about you and then, when he’s finished, I will explain everything to you.

     Mark returned to work as the doctor looked after Sandy.  After the show was finished, and everyone was leaving, Mark found Sandy and invited her to lunch where he promised to explain about him wearing women’s clothes.  They walked down the block to a Deli, found a booth, ordered their lunch.  As they began eating, he asked her if she she still wanted to know why he was dressed as a woman.  She said that she was becoming more curious by the minute.  She said that he was a very attractive woman, dressed as he was.  

    Mark explain that he had been working for this fashion company for over four years when the owner sold it to competitor and retired. When Mark’s old boss asked about keeping him on, the director of the new company told him that that they only had women doing the job that I was doing.  And, since I was a man, Iwould have to find work elsewhere.

    The new director, a woman, said she had a very good relationships with his former boss and when the sale of the Marks company was completed, his former boss again recommended that “we keep you on to work for us.” When I explained to him that we only had women in his position, my old boss told her to “put him in a dress.”  The new director told me that they were willing to keep me on if I was willing to dress as a woman.  After thinking about it for a couple of days,  I agreed to take the job and work as a woman. I was confident that I could get them to amend their policy once I convinced them that I was worthy of keeping me employed.

    They continued their conversation for almost two more hours.  Mark told Sandy that he had been working with this company for almost three years.  It pays really well and  I can live a life style that I love. He said that over the time has been dressing in women’s clothing, he has become so comfortable with living that way, he has almost forgotten how to act as a man.

    Sandy was enthralled listening to him. She had never experienced anything like this.  She asked questions a how he lived and about his friends and other experiences and relationships that he had. As the conversation was winding down, Sandy realized that he wasn’t a transvestite or transgender, he was all man wearing women’s clothes to keep his well paying job.  

    As she gathered her things together to return to her secretarial position, she asked him if she could come an visit him at his place?  She was very curious to see how much of a woman he had become.  Mark set a time and gave her his address.  They exchanged telephone numbers and promised to stay in touch. 

    With that, She stood up and left the store.

    (more to come)



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  7. About 20 years ago, after selling our farm, we purchased a pre-civil war antebellum house on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, just South of Hilton Head island.  The floors of the house, which were the original wooden floors, were made from what they call around here “Heart Wood” pine, which are boards cut from the very center of a large pine tree log. The wood is very soft.  My wife, as part of the restoration, insisted on refinishing all of the floors in the entire house, which cost a fortune.  At the time I had several pairs of shoes with metal heel tips.  I was forbidden to wear them in the house at the threat of severe physical punishment if I did.  I never wore them and these shoes found a new home shortly after we moved in.  

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  8. Why would you ever want to quit wearing skinny jeans and shorts?  You are never any older than your body lets you feel and your mind thinks you are.  Take my case.  In my mind I still have the desire to wear very tall heels but my body won’t tolerate my wearing them. So, at 68, I am content to wear what I can and “go with the flow,” thankful I’m still here to do it.

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  9. On 5/21/2024 at 5:42 AM, mlroseplant said:

    I did something that I rarely do during warm weather. I wore actual enclosed shoes to church. I did so because as I posted in the New Shoes section, I bought some pumps specifically to wear to church (and maybe a few other places). I keep saying that I do not need any more shoes, but I bought two more pair last week. These Steve Madden pumps, and a pair of Frye wooden heeled sandals. Sometime I'll post the Fryes--they're kind of interesting, but I thought the coffee color of the pumps was really beautiful, and the lady offered to sell them for 20 bucks plus shipping.

    The rest of my outfit was based around the shoes. I often do that, but it was very particular on this Sunday, because I had decided to wear the shoes well in advance. So I picked out some earth-toney stuff I thought went with the coffee color, and then I realized, "Hey, wait a minute.  .  . It's Pentecost." To some of you, this will mean absolutely nothing. For others, you are chuckling to yourselves right now. Let's put it this way--the red tie is an add-on and an afterthought, but I think it works. I even got complemented on my tie. But not my shoes.


    Nice crisp look.  Love the tie and shoes.

    1 hour ago, mlroseplant said:

    A long time ago, I mentioned something about my wife partnering with another Vietnamese woman for the purpose of selling food and making money. At the time, I think I mentioned something about not wearing heels to meet her so as not to project myself into something that is none of my concern. Today, that partnership truly begins, and I have already forgot about being invisible.

    There is an Asian festival taking place in the city, and it's one of those things that is well organized, well funded, and well attended. We went to set up some things last night, and I didn't even really think about it, but I wore some casual heels. My wife didn't say anything, the other woman didn't say anything, and her husband didn't say anything.

    Today and tomorrow, the festival is open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. I am assured that I will not be obligated continuously for that long, and I hope that's right. I am not finding any joy in any of this. But, I am seriously not sure whether to wear heels to work this thing. Since I won't have a vehicle available right there (we have to park several hundred meter away), do I carry backup shoes with me on my person? I cannot recall ever needing the backup shoes in the past when I have brought them. And if I do decide to wear heels, which heels? Naturally, it is thunderstorming outside my window as I write this. It's supposed to be over by the time the festival starts.

    Interesting situation.  If I were you, I’d take along a spare pair just in case.  You never know how deeply involved you are going to be anytime your wife is “involved.” Please let us know how things go.

  10. Other factors that should to be considered are what kind of work, where you work and when.  If you are working in an office environment your exposure will be limited to those working around you.  Your dress, while in good taste, will be less formal than if you were working in a retail environment where interaction with the customer is a direct reflection upon the quality of your product or service, appearance is important.  If your working hours are at night, or after normal business hours, dress is probably less important. A simple shop uniform or even more casual clothing probably would be acceptable.

  11. 2 hours ago, kneehighs said:

    Trump talks pro crypto at a rally.

    Democrats (Warren and Gensler who is the SEC anti crypto chair) suddenly realize crypto is a voting issue. 

    SEC requests for accelerated amendments to ETH ETF applicants signaling Ethereum ETF approval imminent.

    ETH ETF gets approved

    Crypto markets rocket to the moon. Welcome back to the fabled alt coin bull run, where everything skyrockets. Irrational upside.


    What is the outlook and your suggestion?


  12. My account doesn’t show any red number or it could be because I don’t have any unread messages..  Besides, the mail box was full and couldn’t receive any more. 

  13. Last night, while watching the Atlanta Braves Baseball Team being soundly trounced by San Diego, I was half heartedly messing around with my IPad and opened the mail box feature of Hhplace.  I discovered that it was over filled with unread messages of which I was completely unaware. Some dating as far back as 15 years.  

    I began going through them and found them really interesting and informative.  They were from friends and some members that I didn’t know, commenting on situations and subjects asking questions and seeking all kinds of advice.  I also uncovered some relating to incidents long forgotten.  Especially those sent by Kneehighs and Gina, Queen of heels.  

    For the life of me, I cannot imagine how or why I forgot all about this feature.  I certainly wasn’t consciously ignoring it.  But, its existence just fell through the crack.  And I can only apologize for not responding to the individuals that took time to try to communicate with me.  

    I spent a couple of hours sorting things out, reducing the contents to 15 percent.  So, as things stand, I sincerely apologize for not responding.  And, I don’t believe that I will wait as long to check it again.

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  14. 7 hours ago, Chorlini said:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the age of the high heel is over. Like the corset it had its time. And now women value comfort over style. We live in the age of Fat Tok, body positive and where women feel they don't need to put in the effort to look good, because every woman is now a 10. Will heels make a limited return? Well, the western still returns briefly every often so years. But as I have also said before, if you don't grow up wearing heels regularly and learn how to wear them they won't endear themselves to late 20 or 30 somethings putting them on. And even the designer heel craze of the 2010's was mostly one of a minority of women trying to look good on red carpets. In daily life I can't say I ever saw a woman wear a pair of louboutins.

    Now chunky heels and platforms, usually the combination of both, will be with us in the future still, as in the minds of their wearers they marry style with comfort.

     Chorlini is right.  Women these days are more interested in maintaining their feminity in a more comfortable style while still identifying their “difference“ wearing highly decorated accessories.  Hence the popularity around here of Crocks” in different colors and outrageously adorned buckles and bows.  Additionally, there seems to be increasing interest in feminizing men, dressing them up and opposite role playing.  Just take a look at some of the more popular social websites.

    While I can’t tell the extent this trend is practiced, I can recognize the decline in “open” disapproval of crossdressing men appearing in public.  Perhaps this trend can be attributed to the increased publicity given to LGBT activities by the press because lately, outside of a few short inquisitive glances, there seems to be hardly any interest in my wearing girls shoes 👞 anywhere. (For example, l wore my tan booties with 1 1/2 inch heels to Church this morning and nobody showed any notice.)

    Perhaps this “live and let live” attitude will prevail or even increase over the next few years.  I can’t say that it is a bad thing as long as society doesn’t impose conditions upon me that require my acceptance of their sexual identity situation.  My preference is to remain entirely neutral because I have my own wants/desires.




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  15. 5 hours ago, Cali said:

    There are so maany banks and credit unions around here. There is one block nearby with 5 insitutions. But I live in one of the most expensive places in the world.


    Now back on topic.

    I was at a meeting today. The woman sitting across the room had a pair of T-straps on with 4 inch heels. When the meeting ended, she took off her heels and put on a pair of socks before standing up. Then walked in her socks back to her office.

    Kinda strange.  Perhaps unfitting shoes physical malady?  

    (Reminds me an incident that occurred years ago where a woman at a wedding we were at appeared at the ceremony with her hair still in curlers.  When reminded by my wife that her hair was still up, she replied that she would take it down after the ceremony because she wanted it to look good for the reception.)

  16. Using the internet online banking feature available at my credit union has greatly reduced the number of visits I personally make each month.  I especially like using my debit card for purchases and reviewing my transactions and account balances whenever I need to is very convenient.  


  17. My wife loved that style although she preferred higher, thinner heels.  Both of my daughters still do, as do my granddaughters.   Chunky two inch heels appropriate for almost any “more dressy” occasion.  I always thought they were more feminine looking for me to wear.

  18. Over the years that I have been wearing my girls shoes in public, almost all of these infrequent inquiries have been made by women.  My wife used to handle them without any comment from me.  As for seeing other men wearing girls shoes, I can count on one hand the number of times that I have seen another man wearing female footwear.  Then, mostly flat sandals here at the beach.  

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  19. 12 hours ago, Gige said:


    Frack recently admitted to me that many of her comments regarding my daily outfits were/are driven out of jealousy over the fact that I can and do wear many items that she can not due to her sizes or (claimed) wide feet. So, starting when I head date to the office this week, I will be switching workstations to move away from her (there are other reasons for this as well).  Frick and I have reached a sense of "détente" if you will, and all is good between us. She (Frick) however, may be transferred to another building in the next few weeks anyways. 


    Situations have a way of working out with time.  🙂

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  20. 11 hours ago, Gige said:

    Just wondering if anyone has heels that they will only wear at home/indoors due to heel height, comfort, or some other reason. I recently acquired a pair of very high Ann Taylor leopard print heels which are NSFW by any stretch of the imagination (I had to first take them to a cobbler for the footbed to be repaired). I also have a pair of Vince Camuto high heel loafers that also fit into the NSFW category. Thus, I was wondering if any other members of this group have heels that are best left for sitting around at home while looking pretty.  

    Thanks, G

    P.S. not my photos but from the web



    Ann T.jpg

    I own a couple of pairs of penny loafers, similar to yours with 4” heels. One pair of black leather and the other in brown leather.  They are a mainstay of my wearing my “girl shoes” in public.  I don’t have any animal print shoes or boots at the moment.

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