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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2024 in Posts

  1. I have been obsessed these badly hot boots for a long time... Finally I got them!😍
    2 points
  2. Surprise! It's me, posting in the Boots thread, which hardly ever happens. Yesterday, I received a new pair of knee high boots, bringing my total to four. Plus one pair of ankle boots which I haven't worn in a very long time. My reason for purchasing the boots, for which I paid 60 USD on Poshmark (about twice what I would normally be open to for shoes), was that even though we had all of this snow around here recently, I have yet to break out my actual snow boots. I haven't needed to. I've been living in my Easy Spirit knee highs for the past three weeks, and they're just fine as snow boots, except for one thing: They are not warm, having zero insulation. Therefore, when I saw these vintage Cobbies Boots come up in my feed with the faux shearling lining, I decided that I probably had to have those. Exactly how vintage they really are is not clear to me. They were sold as New Without Tags, and they obviously have never been worn outside, even for 20 steps. I don't know exactly when Cobbies became defunct, but they don't look like they're from the 90s (when parent company U.S. Shoe was purchased in a hostile takeover), they don't look like they're from the 80s, they look like they might actually be from the late 70s. They do not list the country of manufacture anywhere that I can find. For size 9 boots, they are a little tight, but not overly so. The other thing that makes me think these might actually be that old is the fact that these are the only knee high boots I've ever had that are actually tight around my ankles and tight around my calves all the way up. I could wear leggings with these no problem, and they wouldn't look stupid. People used to be a lot skinnier back then, on average. The stats: Heel height is 2 3/8 inches, or basically flat, haha. These are supposed to be my snow boots, after all. Heel width is about 1 1/2 inches, and the heels themselves are the fake stacked leather look, so contrasting color to the rest of the black boots, which are real leather that looks and feels to be fairly high quality. I haven't worn them off of my property yet, so I have not discovered if there are any unpleasant surprises to be had. I'm sure I will let you know if there are.
    1 point
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