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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2024 in Posts

  1. I spent another long day travelling on inter-city trains and saw an encouraging number of boots with chunky 3” heels - not high by the standards if some in here, but a height and style I like very much. I also saw for the first time in a long while someone out and about in four inch heels - knee boots with tall thin block heels. One seldom sees heels that high out and about. I suppose four inch, fashion height, is more likely to be used for dressy or formal occasions than long days on your feet, in trails and railroad stations, where chunky three inch heels would have unbeatable appeal
    2 points
  2. I suspect going out to the theatre and mingling with the dinner and theatre crowd you’re much more likely to see tall stilettos. People dress up for such occasions - often in towering heels 👠
    1 point
  3. Went to the theatre last night - Fascinating Aida at the London Palladium - great show. This may be their last ever tour so catch a performance if you can. If you look them up, be aware that some of their material is NSFW. I'm also warning that some may not like the overtly political nature of some of their songs, but that's not a legitimate topic for this forum. Saw plenty of heels, though mine were the only ones on a man. Examples seen on the tube (subway for left pondians) included black 4" block heel knee high boots on a young woman, 4.5", possibly 5", "nude" stiletto sandals on a woman out with her man. She looked at ease with them, even though most women would think of them as "taxi shoes". A few more thin heels up to 4" and loads of block heels up to 3". Some recent photos of Michelle O'Neill, the new Northern Ireland First Minister, show her in possibly 4" stiletto court shoes. I wonder if she was wearing them when she met Rishi Sunak (UK prime minister and not very tall). Whatever you may think of O'Neill, Sunak and all again their politics isn't a subject for HHP.
    1 point
  4. Today it would be - as he took a selfie for his personal Instagram account (four zillion followers) - “that’s one small step for ME, one giant leap for humankind …”
    1 point
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