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Oh Happy Day...Scored Some Fab Heels!

Today is a great day! Traveled to a near by town today that I had not been to for quite some time. So being the shoe nut that I am I had to check out the local shoe stores. Did not really expect to find anything as finding a pair of heels in my size in a store is like unearthing a nugget of gold. Well today was my gold or should I say, my silver finding day!

First store I went to, Shoe Sensation, when I asked the sales associate if they had women's shoes in size 12, she actually said YES! So I then ventured to ask her if they had heels in that size which got me a yes but with the disclaimer that they did not have a lot in that size. I then followed her over to the section where the heels were and I fell in love right away when I saw these sparkly, silver sandles with 3" heels! Told her that I had to try them on first but that I loved them!

Now here is the thing. I do not usually by flashy heels, but these caught my eye so after walking around the store in them, I bought them! The were a little over $50 which was a steal in my book as they feel great are awesome! While checking out, we talked about heels with the sales associate and had a great conversation while she rang me up.

So it's a great day all. Of course any day is great when I score a sexy set of heels to wear! Now of course, I am going to have to wait till spring to wear the out in public. They are most definetly not wearable in snow and ice conditions.

Till next time...happy heels to all!



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