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Designers Don't Put Any Thought In Mens Fashion

Why are things so limited to men. In pants all they got are regular fit and slim. No waist smaller than 28". And no tall inseams. No good for wearing 5" heels. Ill concentrate on the pants this blog, mens shoes are a whole new ball of wax!

On the contrary, women have pants in, skinny, slim, bootcut, flare, wide leg, long leg, regular, short, capri. Not fair that they got it all.

I got no choice but to shop at womens stores(other than I like to). My waist is a 25-26" and I need an insem of 34-35. In womens sizes, I am a size 1-3. If I'm almost too small for womens sizes, no way I can fit into mens sizes!

Come on designers! Give guys more choices, and watch your profit go sky-high! And make it affordable. Not everybody has a budget for rick owens or rad hourani. I've got good ideas for fashoin, but its less of a hassle to just shop at a womens store, than to get clothes made to measure.

Next blog ill talk about shoes!


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