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Nearly CAUGHT!


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Another day, another heeling-out.

Today, I had plans...."Wait, why aren't you in school?" Personal finance problems, so I'm struck out temporarily. Anyway, today, I went over to GameStop to pick-up my reserved game, over to the local Thrift Store, then end it by going to a Mini-Mart. And,...yes, you guessed it. I did all of this in heels :smile: And boy! Was it a rush!

I went over to GameStop and parked. A FedEx truck was there. Shipment must of just got here. So I stayed in my truck, talking to my friend until it left. I asked, well, texted her, asking what pair I should go in with. She recommended the BabyPhats.....yeah, I said it. Got the BabyPhats right back from Carson's just the other day. I regretted selling them back. They're the highest I have currently, and they fit so well! Well, the FedEx truck finally left, and I went in to claim my prize. Of course, no one's here, as it's school-time I'm doing all of this. (Yeah, I really thought this one out.) I go in, just three people in here, one seeming like security and the other two behind-the-counter clerks. I try to make conversation with the clerks (both guys), but that didn't go too well. Now the "security guard" wasn't behind the counter. He was nearby in front of it. I could sense that he was probably eyeing my heels, but it didn't matter. I paid for my game, and left out.

Told my friend "Success!" and went on to the Thrift Store. Before I left, I asked my friend what should I wear to the Store. She said she was "madly in love with my BabyPhats!" I laughed and parked in the lot of the store. I decided to change shoes and put on the Derreon wedges this time, and went on into the store. Boy! Was it crowded! I entered and went into the aisle on the left. Browsed the gym shoes and went to another aisle next to it, looked there, and went on to the actual aisles of heels. I went to the far-most aisle and browsed. Interesting wedges that were [unfortunately] too small for me. I'll just shorten the story and say...ALL of the wedges were TOO SMALL!!! >.< -sigh- I did, however nab a pair I promised I would get next time I went there though. There were size 11's and were baby blue clog-like sandals. I didn't know what to expect with these things, so I got them. Left out then.

Believe it or not, I think I had my 1st "fan" today. I browsed the aisles, and as I was, a lady at the end of the aisle went by, and happened to have noticed me in my wedges. I wore jeans that would show-off you rfootwear in a way, so that's how her attention was caught. I caught her eyeing my wedges, and that's just about all she did. She only looked at my footwear, stared them down fully, until she couldn't take it anymore (or maybe until I started avoiding her). It was a small crowd entering and leaving an aisle, and she came outta nowhere, and continued to stare. No comment, however. Just a long, continuous stare-down, with her making occasional looks up to my face (I think I'm about as tall as everyone in the store with them on). But still, no comment was made.

So, I thought I had some spare time, and decided to go over to the Mini-Mart; And....I wanted to give these "new" baby blues a go. The mart wasn't crowded, empty actually except the clerk, so I thought it'll be perfect to walk in these sandals. Got them on, occasional people coming in and out, and in I went. Passed the counter and the customer making a purchase. Went to the Drinks part of the mart. These...clogs feel very strange. A 'unique' way of walking with these on. Comfy yes, but odd kinda. Heh, I just need to get use to them. Got a couple of Gatorades, bought them, and went out.

I drove home, but before I went home, I needed to go somewhere to get these heels off, organize them all ina bag I have, and get into my gym shoes. No problem, right? WRONG! I took these clogs off and put them in the far back of my truck, but as I did, I realized something....Oh no. Don't tell me....I did. I forgot my gym shoes at home! I couldn't believe it! Nervousness and caution began to break in, cautious because my step-dad may have been home! By the way, I brought the Baby Phats in the house and left out in them. Looked darn good doing it too! I decided to head home before I did anymore. Had to drive back sock-less, heel-less, shoe-less. I drive home and...Oh my God. I hope he's not home! x3 ........Yess! He's not here! I drive slowly with caution, and back-up into the driveway. I rush on some heels, the "huge" black platforms, get my game, and into the house!


I go back out to get the things I forgot, then organized my heels in the bag, and while I was at it, checked the mail as well. Came back to the house and closed the door.

Phew! What a day! Comments?

Formally "HHDude"

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I drove home, but before I went home, I needed to go somewhere to get these heels off, organize them all ina bag I have, and get into my gym shoes. No problem, right? WRONG! I took these clogs off and put them in the far back of my truck, but as I did, I realized something....Oh no. Don't tell me....I did. I forgot my gym shoes at home! I couldn't believe it! Nervousness and caution began to break in, cautious because my step-dad may have been home! By the way, I brought the Baby Phats in the house and left out in them. Looked darn good doing it too! I decided to head home before I did anymore. Had to drive back sock-less, heel-less, shoe-less. I drive home and...Oh my God. I hope he's not home! x3 ........Yess! He's not here! I drive slowly with caution, and back-up into the driveway. I rush on some heels, the "huge" black platforms, get my game, and into the house!

What's wrong with walking into the house without shoes on?

Otherwise, assuming you have some extra cash or at least a CC on hand, get some other shoes, wear them into the house and return them later.

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What's wrong with walking into the house without shoes on?

Well, if my step-dad Was home, he'll probably think, "Wtf?! Where did you go, without your shoes on??" And I'm gonna have to make up something clever like,...."my shoes got burned" or something like that! lol, but that wouldn't work cause my shoes were right in front of the door, so yeah.

Besides, my grass isn't necessarily the safest grass to walk in barefoot...:smile:


Formally "HHDude"

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Well, if my step-dad Was home, he'll probably think, "Wtf?! Where did you go, without your shoes on??"

What's worse:

1. "Wtf?! Where did you go, without your shoes on??"

2. "Wtf?! Why do you wear heels, are you gay?"

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What's worse:

1. "Wtf?! Where did you go, without your shoes on??"

2. "Wtf?! Why do you wear heels, are you gay?"

Hm....gimme a minute...:smile::thumbsup:

1st one's better, but I wanted to avoid both altogether. You know, the "cautious teen" thing.

Formally "HHDude"

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