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More heels more often


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It's been quite a while since I posted. Last time I did, I mentioned my 3.5 inch wedge loafers that I'd worn to college a couple of times...

Well, quite a bit has happened since then.

In the penultimate week of term I spent the entire week wearing my loafers... I got no stares or comments. My closer friends have all found out and they think it amusing at worst. I get the occasional name calling of "heelboy" or something... but I can take that and I know they haven't excluded me because of my heels.

On a couple of days in the last week of term I wore my 5 inch loafers. On the first day I got no stares or comments. One of my friends noticed in an electronics lesson, but then he's seen me wearing them before. He's also tried on my 3.5 inch loafers when he's been round at my house, so I may well get him hooked... we'll see!!!! :lol:

The second day I wore my 5 inch heels, I was walking back from my tutor room to the canteen up a very small step. Obviously my jeans must have been raised enough for the heels to be quite visible, as I overheard a group of girls saying "Have you seen what that guy's wearing on his feet?!" I was tempted to go over and start talking heels with em, but I just carried on and ignore the comment. It's nice to know they were noticed! In some senses I get pissed off because some people don't notice!

The monday before Christmas Day I went shopping with the same girl I'd been shopping with before. (I wore my 5 inch loafers on this trip!) We went around the normal shoe shops we do in Nottingham, including Schuh, Garage, Void, Stead n Simpson, Barratts, Jonathan James, Bon Marche etc. She bought me a pair of knee length boots from Stead and Simpson. My experience there buying heels was much better than the last. I tried them on with little fuss, and although I might have felt it, I didn't show a lack of confidence. The shop assistance wasn't as bad as the timid, fearful-looking girl in Schuh, but she was obviously trying not to look too much. She was probably quite relieved once they'd been bought and we left...

These boots are pull on knee length boots with a chunky 4 inch heel, less than 1 inch platform with a very plain, fairly round toe. They look and feel great. I wore them to church on Christmas Day, and got NO comments or stares at all, which greatly surprised me. A couple were visiting, and one of them invariably comments on my growth since the last time he saw me... I'm most surprised he didn't comment on my sudden 4 inch height gain!!

I wore my 4 inch heel boots for the entirity of Christmas day, including church, Christmas dinner, opening presents, tea time, and beyond. Most of this time was spent just with family, which was nice...

Before Christmas day, all of my family except my brother knew about my heels, and I wanted it to stay that way... but at Christmas dinner my sister mentioned my heels, so my brother kinda found out then. I then spent the afternoon showing off my heels and being completely relaxed in them, which I really enjoyed. He gave my shoes LOTS of stares.... if my shoes had the capability, I'm sure they would have been blushing a lot given how much he was staring!

I'm quite glad he knows about them now, as it means I can be completely relaxed in heels whenever I'm around the house, and I don't need to worry about hiding them at all... :(

Yesterday was New Years Eve, and me and my friend went shopping again, with me wearing my 5 inch loafers again. We went around a lot of shops again, and I wanted to buy some boots in Garage, as they have some really nice ones in there. Having asked for about 4 different styles in size 8, they still didn't have any! I was most upset! We moved onto Bon Marche, where they had a closing down sale. Unfortunately again, after asking for 4 different styles, they still didn't have any in size 8 that I wanted! They did have on the sales racks some relatively low (ie 2 inch max) Mary Janes, and some 5 inch open Mary Janes which I was tempted by, but they're not really practical for the things I'd be wearing them for, and I doubt I'd get my money's worth, even if they were only about £12! I will have to pay a visit to Garage again maybe toward the end of January when they have some more stock in.

I went out into town for new years last night, and I went out in my new 4 inch knee highs. Having got on a VERY crowded last bus into town, I met some people I know from my old school, including a couple I didn't know were going out. She gave my shoes a REALLY good looking over as she got off the bus, and I met yet more people as they got off the bus, and they didn't notice the shoes. My feet were killing by the end of the day... I should have worn some lower heels for the long amounts of trekking we did during the day...!

I will get some photos of my shoes on here as soon as I can get my hands on a digi cam, and hopefully get some pics of me wearing the heels as well. Maybe in the next couple of weeks!!

Anyway... I will continue to be wearing my heels to college, and I will probably wear my 4 inch knee highs to college as well, as they have a fairly masculine toe (and I only ever show the toe when wearing my long jeans in public).

That's enough for now....


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Hi SqHe, welcome back and way to go guy, don't wait so long anymore to keep us informed about your progress. Happy 2003 in heels.

Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Laurence

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It's great to hear you've expanded your heel activities to a level you feel happier with, SH. When I saw your "end of school" pics, I knew you had the style and conviction to carry it off. Who knows, we might plan our next trip to Nottingham; we haven't been there yet!

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