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Son's heels


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very true... and i would hope that's how i react too... at the end of the day it's whether I click (pardon the pun) with the person (ie whether he's a good guy and easy to hang roud with) that would dictate whether I would be friends with them and not whether they wear heels or cros ress or gay etc....

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This is the answer my step daughter gave me. You always cut my husband down for smoking, drinking and all the other stuff and told me that this is an example of me being narrow minded opposed to me saying she was being narrow minded by telling me I should keep my heels in the closet. These are 2 totally different scenarios. 1st, I don't care if the father smokes, drinks or uses harion, as long as he doesn''t do it around me. It's about health. 2nd I have come along way to get in the shape I'm in and studdied hard so I can help others in this area. Has nothing to do with wearing the shoes I wear. You can't compair. On the other hand, I have learned that it can be quite embarrasing for the child to see his grandpa in public in heels if he has had cave man teachings by his parrents. Kids do talk and I'm sure that all those who didn't know, do now and I think alot of good can come of it. So I say, wear your heels around who ever you want because there are much worse things you could be doing.

real men wear heels

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