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from idea to reality


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after "reading only" this forum for a long time, i want to introduce you "a kind of experiment" with polyvore. polyvore is a web site, where you can create a look and share it - very web 2.0. inspired by some of my existing boots/clothes i started to create my first look.

i think polyvore i a great tool for us to start a little bit of discussion about looks. this can help all of us to come out. for example it could be an opener to initiate discussions with girls about best looks. or by adding heels to an outfit she already likes.

if you are intersseted what my first "look" looks like in reality, than you should wait for my next posting.

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and here are the pics of the look i created with polyvore:

shirt is a slim fit shirt from zara. jeans are j-lot style from miss sixty:

look1: fornarina dark brown boots


look2: sendra cowboy boots with heels - nearly similar to frye´s mustang boots


look3: sendra riding boots - ok! no heels, but this was my opener for all other looks in public. if you are shy in the beginning of street heeling, than go for this kind of boots.


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