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For non US residents


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Hey everyone non US residents guys. Look this out!


I just ordered from Zappos one pair of shoes using one of these services. Nice to see how well this works.

Btw. Is anyone german interested to provide this service in Germany?

There is some good department stores (like Otto) which don't sell anything for forigner...

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Good business idea. I wished I invented it :smile: Too bad there aren't that many Finnish companies that ship only to Finland (and that foreigners want to buy :wavey:)

What's all the fuss about?

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It's a good idea except that when you pay by credit card most companies will only ship to the same address that your card is registered to. In the case of Zappos shipping to Europe, that's a no no anyway.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Nowdays I have US issued debit card. Its billing address is stil to Finland (my home address) and it works very well. Every US store where I have bought something (softwares.. and shoes especially) has been two addresses to give, billing address and shipping address. That is also in Zappos. I can buy from Zappos but they deliver only to US mail address. Only bad thing is that there is more shipping costs because you have to use Mail forwarding services. But what we don't do to get the shoes we want! :smile:

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