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on the hunt for a pair of Spiegel boots this time!


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A very close friend of mine in the US has told me about a new pair of boots she bought about a month ago, and is actively encouraging me to get myself a pair of them too!

Its a bit of a strange situation for me to be in, and I would certainly try to get a pair, if we had Spiegel stores over here in the UK. I have emailed the contact point on the website, but no reply so far unfortunately. I am already trawling eBay for the boots from the site but I doubt I'll find anything on there, although I did see a woman at work with a pair of boots very similar indeed....

For the record, here they are: http://www.spiegel.com/shop/product_single.aspx?tool=t1&f=b&Ntt=boots&N=0&Nty=1&D=boots&style_id=13306030&No=0&Ntk=alltext

Moderate 3" stilleto heel with a zip which goes mid-way up, according to her they are very comfy indeed!

It would be nice if I could find a matching style here though, all searches so far have turned up nothing...

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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Got mine!

Not quite sure what this means. ;)

As in "yes they are available in the UK" or "yes they do ship to the UK"?

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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