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never enough... thread continues


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Hi Everyone:

...back on December 20 Part One, December 21 Part Two and December 23 Part Three...

..I began to show a few jpegs of the beginning of the boot part of my collections as I made my "ladies" comfortable with some of the heel heights I was introducing as I made my pickups and delivery rounds in my business...

Sidebar: I am self-employed but have a contract for my services as a courier with Company "C" here in Charlotte..that's how I have been able to push the limits of what constitutes "appropriate footwear"...I can pretty much run my business-so to speak- any way I choose as long as I meet the terms of the contract language for specifics dealing with picking up, transporting and delivering the various commodities we carry.. yet they retain control of my services and may dictate certain practices and policies within the contract relationship and that's how they "pulled me up" on the "no heels in excess of one inch"-for the safety of the drivers" and the requirements of the customers' workplaces referenced in thread " time to regroup"

...here's how this thread ties to that other one:

with the clearer delineation between " Reebok-time" and "heel-time" I now have the freedom to explore the higher heels I have been working toward without wondering how I can present the higher heels without stirring up something with one of my customers that will reflect directly back on Company "C"..that's been my dilemma and that just went away!!!

these arrived yesterday from a company called:


...these will "knock your socks off"

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..these are Pleaser Domina 2000 knee-high six inch spikeheel boots...this company had them for $45.89...when I saw them for under $50 I really decided I had to have them...

...and these...

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...are Pleaser Domina 1010 with a contrasting six inch blue spikeheel( also available in black/red)...there is also a pump in this style but the black/blue has disappeared from most of the websites offering these so i decided I liked the blue better....priced at $41.39 made a nice companion purchase to the knee-highs...

..these will also reinforce the comfort-factors in five inch heels and that's the real goal in these exercises..don't think I'll go much higher than six..proven what I set out to do nearly a year ago..very satisfying...very satisfying..

...a few closing comments and I will let this out for you to pick at..

1) if you're thinking about working up to a higher heel work up in boots not pumps...the additional support from boots adds to the confidence- you won't have to be quite so precise in learning the "heel-roll-toe" and you'll get comfortable faster...the pumps will feel more natural when you start in them...

2) if your pant leg is proportional to the amount of heel tip that shows under the cuff anything of additional heel height under the leg will just be part of the "real mystery of high heels" ...if you show one to one and one half inches for example when you stand in one place and you have another four plus of "mystery" under your cuff some of that will rise and fall as you walk...

...I know that a big part of "heel watching" involves trying to get a glimpse of how high a spike really is under those damn pants you ladies all wear...and I know how it "lights me up" when I see the heel is really high under there...

..well here's a guy who can't wait to give "something back" to all you "fierce creatures" who have given me so many hours and peeks of pleasure...

Best regards



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Excellent choices in boots. I have Domina 2000 and I can honestly say that they are extremely comfortable and easy to walk in. AND, after wearing the 6" boots for a while, the 5" ones feel like a pair of Reeboks.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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