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One of Those Nights


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It was one of those nights. I was at a singles dance in Minneapolis. During a band break, I was outside and heard Four gunshots. There was no time to duck, but the bullets all missed me. The women at the event, all seemed in the mood to dance, even with me, and the band played a strong program of bouncy dance tunes. I was wearing some new jeans, Lee Riders, black with white stitching, and a black shirt. Nine West, black leather, CFM boots with 5" heels. Two gold hoops in each ear. My new manicure is OPI, gold with gold glitter. A gal, who I have been dating, bought me a man-purse for Christmas, so I had that, too. It is a combo style. In addition to the detachable shoulder strap, that I was using, it also has a waist belt, that tucks away in a hidden pouch. So, more or less, I was ready to rumble. For a time, I was dancing with a diminutive blond woman who insisted that she would get laid that night. Not by me, unfortunately. She was so little I could pick her up and throw her into the air. So I did. Out on the dance floor, while I was dancing with one woman, another one grabbed my hand, to show her dance partner my new gold glitter manicure. The gals seemed to like the color. Some of the women complimented my outfit. Several were quite taken with my nails. It was funny, I thought, that none of the women I danced with, were wearing heels. One implored me not to step on her feet with my heels. Don't worry. I didn't. Strangers even bought me drinks. Both the men and the women were in a happy state. Maybe it was the great oldies music, but I felt the urge to recapture the passion of youth, the innocent desire that burned hot, so many years ago. Didn't happen, though. But it was. It was one of those nights. Late in the evening, I arrived home, safe and unsexed, the fire of desire unquenched. Maybe next time. Was I wrong, not to have taken the horny blond woman home with me?

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Sounds like a good night all round, music you like, good atmosphere and female attention! Only you know whether the blonde woman would have been a good idea but, and call me old-fashioned if you like, any woman that threw herself at me like that would make me think she threw herself at a lot of other guys too... Chris

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