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walking on air!


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Has anybody seen the recent coverage about the latest high-heel innovation - - - the "air-cushioned" stiletto?

I saw a feature about them on the BBC morning news earlier this week, including "footage" (arf arf) of a woman riding an exercise bike and teaching an aerobics class whilst wearing a pair of black 4" spike heels.

During the interview, there was a bonus when the newsreader (Jane Hill i think it was) showed us a glimpse of her 3" suede knee boots.

A trawl around the internet found only a few short articles about this new invention, best one probably being this one:-


I actually like the looks of some of the shoes and would be happy to give them a road test one day. Maybe some air-cushioned boots will also be appearing at some point!?!

So what's the verdict on the HHMP forum?

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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While shoe cushions are nothing new (Fitzwell includes gel-filled insoles for their pressure points in their line), the air-cushion is a Nike trick. Probably own the patent, too.

But I really take exception to the following paragraph:

The manufacturers explained that stilettos are normally the most painful type of shoe to wear because the height and thinness of the heel distributes your weight unevenly, making wearers 'veer forward' putting extra pressure on the soles of the feet.

The thinness of the heel has nothing to do with. Block, and even wedge heels have the same problem.

Height is the only factor.

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