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Just a guy...


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I posted the following as an intro on another website. It's even more appropriate here: Have you ever heard the expressions, "common sense isn't common," or "if you're the one who's normal, you're in the minority?" I like them both. I'm not goth, per se'. Nor am I a crossdresser because I like wearing skirts (I find them very comfortable), or a transvestite because I occasionally paint my nails or wear my hair long or in a ponytail, or because I wear earrings. I'm a guy. I look like a guy, act like a guy, talk like a guy, and dress like a guy, with a few variations that are very common to guys in many areas around the world. For example, long hair for men is no longer weird, nor are earrings. Painting one's nails still raises eyebrows, as does wearing a skirt, although I get more stares with painted nails than I do wearing a skirt. And, yes, I do wear heels, not feminine heels, like stilettos, but usually block-heeled boots, beneath jeans. Surprisingly enough, most people never notice them. Those that do either ignore it, or ask me (almost always women), "wow - you're wearing heels - when did you begin doing that / why do you do that?" The ensuing conversations usually cover a wide range of topics which rarely have anything to do with my choice of personal attire. Case in point: Yesterday, I boarded an airplane in the states bound for where I live in Germany. I sat next to an attractive retired lady who used to work at one of the nation's (US) military academies. The first thing she noticed were my rings (including a thumb ring), but after about five minutes, she noticed I was wearing a pair of 4" tapered heels peeking out from beneath my jeans (above-the-calf leather boots). She was surprised at first, but when I gave her my reason for wearing them (I like the way they feel), she said she found my relaxed acceptance of myself and others highly desirable, and we proceeded to talk about many things throughout the flight (even though we should have been sleeping!) She even gave me her number in the states. This echoed the sentiments of a very dear friend of mine who first learned of my excursions outside the bounds of conservative Judeo-Christian dress in Western Civilization when I visited her this past weekend (many Christian men outside Western Civilization (WC) wear robes, skirts, sarongs, rings, long hair, earrings, etc. A few of us both in and outside of WC routinely wear heels, too). She, too, found my acceptance of who I am attractive. Where am I going with this? Well, this: Wear whatever floats your boat. Be nice to others, even when their opinions differ from yours (it goes a long way towards bridging generational/fashion/religious/political gaps). Carry yourself with humble confidence - you're a unique creation - there's no one quite like you! No matter who you are, you have friends, even if you don't know about it. Avoid arrogance (it comes across as dissapproving of others, and is the same thing most of us hate about others). Above all, just be comfortable and relaxed as yourself. There's no better way than to attract those who're attracted to the real you than by being who you really are.

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What a great post. I know exactly what you mean. While I wear heels from time to time, but not to the extent of most members here. What I do wear, however, is pantyhose. Every day, everywhere, and in the warm months with shorts. I am in my office now in a golf shirt, shorts, and pantyhose. I wear them everywhere. For a long time I was in the closet, afraid to be me. That was about 15 years ago. I said the heck with it, put my hose on, my shorts on, and started about my day. Today, all my friends, family, and coworkers know. None of them care, or treat me any differently. I've had countless conversations in bars, airplanes, stores, everywhere about my hosiery with people that notice. Its the confidence in yourself that makes it ok with people. If you are ashamed of what you are wearing, it will show. If you have doubts that what you are wearing is somehow wrong, it will show - and people will pick up on it. But because I am confident, and am MORE than happy to talk about it instead of scurrying away, people accept it. It's not about wearing heels or hose. People honestly don't care what we are wearing. People notice personality, strength, and confidence. As long as we are comfortable with ourselves, people will be comfortable with us. Most of the demons are in our own heads, if you ask me. I am a mod for a hose for men forum, and more often than not the folks that are scared to step out and be themselves are scared because they are scared of their own thoughts, not the thoughts of the people around them. So whether it be heels, hose, skirts, or lipstick, wear what you want to - because anything else is cheating yourself of being who you want to be. And most importantly, be confident in being who you are - be happy to talk about your 'strange' attire with folks. The more people see us, the more people won't even notice. The only perverted men wearing heels are the one's we'll never see on the street anyway. Think about it. Mike Alto, MI A day without hose is a hoseless day!!


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