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Nicolas Cage apparently is among the heel wearers


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Found this while surfing the web today.....


Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Nic Cage Mourns In Heels

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let Quentin Tarantino know that you see him hitting on that chick at the baggage claim.

In today’s episode: Nic Cage artificially enhancing his stature (with bonus photo!) at the Johnny Ramone memorial, as Lisa Marie Presley, Eddie Vedder, Vincent Gallo, and former Ramones mourn; Kirsten Dunst squealing at her own image on the movie screen at The Grove; Will Ferrell and 9-0 regular Christine Elise at the Tenacious D show; William H. Macy letting his hair fly; Nicky Hilton shrugging off the paparazzi; a very special Andy Dick double-header; Kyle McLachlan and David Duchovny having a silent agent-off at the Chateau; Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rinna; Michael Rappaport; Ron Jeremy; James Denton; Flavor Flav; Steve-O; Henry Rollins; Adam Garcia; Ian Ziering; Philthy Taylor; Kato Kaelin.

· At the Johnny Ramone memorial 1/14: I never knew that Nicolas Cage wore heels. Is he really that uncomfortable with his height? I noticed them as he walked up to give his little spiel/eulogy. It was also pretty funny that Lisa Marie was there. The two of them were in close proximity, but never made verbal and/or eye contact. Vincent Gallo rambled on for much longer than Johnny’s former bandmates CJ and Tommy, it was pretty self-serving garbage (Johnny is dead so I must be the most awesome person here type shit). Eddie Vedder’s baby is adorable, which makes sense since his wife is F-I-N-E. The Pearl Jam frontman even (sorta) gave into the press and showed him off for about 30 seconds. The whole thing was very classy, if you consider selling memorial t-shirts at a memorial service for $20 a pop classy.

Here are photos of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cages’ feet.

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AND.... unlike celebrity men who we have seen previously wearing bright blue heels with a black and white outfit, totally uncoordinated in a look that noone would ever want to copy. ....................these heels looked good and masculine and promote a good image daz

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Daz, Excellent point. When others have worn red or blue pumps with a suit, it looks like "hey, I am wearing heels, isn't that funny, but don't take me seriously, I am just goofing". Guys like Eddie Izzard, while definitely out on the fringe, people look at him like "oh, he is just strange", kind of like Dennis Rodman here in the US. When someone like Nicholas Cage wears heels that aren't blantent, well coordinated and also to a somber event like a memorial service, some people probably will look at that and think "Hmmmm, maybe that look isn't so bad". You want to talk about how to advertise men in heels? Here is a perfect example! Imagine if more Hollywood guys like Cage wore them to serious events. It could definitely spark a trend.

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I would say a "step" in the right direction:)

I was gonna say that! :roll:

Yes indeed, I have to say I wouldn't have noticed them if no one had said anything before hand. I wonder if anyone in the media started a "is he gay" column and/or report? His lawyers would tear the press to pieces for such a remark and they know it, so I think not!

I wouldn't even have noticed those if i walked past him in the street. But hey, good on him for doing it :wink:

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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That brings up another good point. Why is it that when a man is seen wearing heels, he must be either gay or insecure about his height (as you pointed out, they went with the height angle and not the gay angle with him). There is never a consideration that MAYBE he just likes the way they feel OR just likes the way they look. The reverse is never said about a woman, for example, if she is wearing pants, she must be insecure about her legs.

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At risk of hijacking the thread and turning it to something else! I have some female friends who never (or very rarely) wear skirts/dresses because they just don't feel comfy in them. Personally I think they are all very attractive but they don't seem to see it. Comfort factor is a big thing, especially with 2 of them. One won't even wear boots, which is interesting to me, but again, its a personal preference :sleeping:

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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  • 5 weeks later...


Excellent point.

When others have worn red or blue pumps with a suit, it looks like "hey, I am wearing heels, isn't that funny, but don't take me seriously, I am just goofing". Guys like Eddie Izzard, while definitely out on the fringe, people look at him like "oh, he is just strange", kind of like Dennis Rodman here in the US.

When someone like Nicholas Cage wears heels that aren't blantent, well coordinated and also to a somber event like a memorial service, some people probably will look at that and think "Hmmmm, maybe that look isn't so bad".

You want to talk about how to advertise men in heels? Here is a perfect example! Imagine if more Hollywood guys like Cage wore them to serious events. It could definitely spark a trend.

I'll echo your sentiments for Daz - good point!

Yours too, Scotty - the idea of men in heels will never advance so long as the only pics that hit the media are so far off the norm that they simply invite ridicule and rejection.

Cage's heels are a good start.

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