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Cyberfest Goth Gathering (no pictures yet)

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Finally my first adventure started and was more than happy to participate in this. My first true heel adventure. Still there are no pictures yet, but we have made quite a lot and they'll be ready by the fifteenth of januare. Please be patient.

Friday the 6th of Januare.

As I woke up with excitement, my mother already made me some coffee. The first thing I did was looking at meh heels that I had next to the table. "Am I this obsessed??" I wondered by thought. Nah! I call it passioned.

Fortunately, I had my bag packed for the weekend to spend at my friends their place in Rotterdam (Holland). One less issue to worry about. So I took some time to get rid of that sleepy feeling as I took tiny sips from the cup and as excited I were, a force of energy burst throughout my entire body and I jumped up to get ready for the day.

My mother had to leave for work so I was left alone which wasn't that much of a problem. I promised to do the dishes and so I did. It was like 10:00 AM and still full of energy. It was too good to be true! Anyway, I decided to fresh up for take off and put up a little make-up by applying a line of black eyeliner underneath my eyes. After that I needed to shave which I hate so awefully! I think I will burn those hairs on my chin and my mustage away with a cigarette. Such a method worked for my mother's legs so why not for me. I know it sounds strange for a (h/m)etero sexual man to do that but personally I hate beards and mustage upon my own face.

My hair wasn't a problem at all. It needed only a treatment by the brush and after ten minutes of wasting my life in front of the mirror, I was ready to go. So I put on my high heeled boots which look like these http://www.bananashoes.com/media/Ele2000BPU.jpg and my long black 'citizen' winter coat (no picture of that one) that almost reaches my ankles and I left the building with a backpack.

The weather was clouded, no wind, so I was glad because I hate wind when I wear my hair loose. So off to the trainstation and while that trip I enjoyed the clicking sounds produced by these boots and I also didn't have to worry about being spotted. I wanted to be spotted and of course people were looking. It is within their nature to set eyes on the sounds of clicking boot heels it seemed. Mostly women, for their extreme sense of detecting high heels, were looking at my face and after spotting the heels. However, what I really find a shame of people is no stranger these days is spontanious enough to comment me on my heels. Especially on the streets and in stores. Being a goth, they rather not wish to talk to me than gathering some guts to do so. I dare to talk to strangers despite whatever subject comes to mind.

Anyway, I was on my way to the trainstation where I boarded an intercity (a train that only stops in cities) and I found a seat where four people can sit. I decided to sit as close to the window as possible, although I don't know why I like that, and put my legs over eachother in crossed situation like most ladies do. On the other side of the, the opposite next to me where four other seats were positioned 2 opposed by 2, a young lady was checking her cellphone. I was hoping to get noticed by her, but for the upcoming ten minutes she was busy with her cellphone. So I took the libertie of watching out the window to admire the view. I like traveling. It calms me with peace.

Rotterdam was approaching and from the intercom a voice told us about the next stop. So I stood up to walk to the nearest exit while I was forced to let my heels click again. From that moment the lady with her cellphone noticed it and looked at me in the face. Since my scarf encovered a part of my chin, and my hair encovered the sides of my face, she couldn't really tell wether I was a man or a woman. I have my young face to thank for that, I think. But then she noticed and a shocked facemotion spread over her face. It didn't bring me to ashame, and as I turned towards the path that led to the exit doors, I started walking. Clicking sounds allowed other people to look at meh shoes as well, and another young lady noticed me as well. She also had to leave the train at Rotterdam so the two us went to the same exit were she continued to observe me. Strange enough she didn't laugh, nor was she shocked. She just turned her face away which I disliked and I wasn't hoping for.

Then I prepared for the big crowd! Rotterdam Central Station is a place where you can consider the crowd as life-stock for vampires. Everyone is just so hasty, while I took all the time in the world. So I walked with a regular speed towards the tram. Once arrived I crossed the rails gently, hoping for no stumbling, and walked toward the info sign where I could find the times of arrival. There I got noticed by a girl and I decided to stand next to her within another crowd of people waiting for there ride.

From that moment I saw her attempting to observe me for she was secretly watching my shoes hoping I wouldn't notice her doings. Hehe, they can't fool me for that! I got caught in our crossed eyesight and she was the first one turning her face away. I asked myself why people fear to talk to strangers. Why? I mean if I see something odd but cool, I would be dying to wish I ever commented the person positively. Ah well, maybe it are the fun people who are in minority. What a shame that the western part of the Netherlands is socially becoming crappy.

The tram arrived and I boarded. Within five minutes I arrived at my friends place and as I pushed the doorbell, I heard a grunting voice saying "YES! SPEAK UP!" (lol) that was Devi (pronunction: Davy) who opened the door and welcomed me with full attention. He lifted me up like I was his bride or something and he dragged me into his home where his girlfriend was waiting for my arrival as well. Then as he put me down, he noticed I got taller than him, while both of us have the same body-length. Then he looked down to my boots and his eyes grew bigger and shone of happiness, like stars. Followed up by his girlfriend who also noticed it, they both said: "AAAAH!! THAT IS SO AWESOME! YOU WEAR HIGH HEELS!! AYE WHERE DID YOU BUY THEM?" both voices twistingly yelled at me.

I didn't know what hit me, but these are very good friends of mine and there favorite hobby is to do crazy things. I really loved that warm welcome as well as I instantly felt the acception. *drools* they'd do.

Guess what drink this addict was offered? Of course the usual coffee from the menu ^^ And there I saw him! The cute little baby of theirs. He has grown a little since I last saw him. His name is Raven and I got cute pictures of him ^^ and I was forced to hug this little fellow.

Saturday the 7th of Januare.

I hate sleeping on the couch! The pain was horrible, but after all it was I who decided to stay over hehe. Today we had to do a lot in the house and it was a total mess. So I participated in cleaning up and of course do some babysitting as well.

Also we had to fill the foodstock so Devi and I went to the nearest supermarket with also the quest to buy beer hehe. High heels were once again my shoes of the day to wear and at the shopping mall I got noticed quite a lot but yet again no one ever dared to comment me except for an old lady who called me a tall person :D

Of course I blushed a little, but hehe I still am me and I do what I like to do. It is just that I have a tough moment of dealing with positive reactions.

Anyway, the evening was approaching and we had to get ready for the cyber party so I asked Devi if he still had that black long skirt he promised me to lend. Yes! I decided to wear a long skirt ^^ it was the very first time that I wore one. Still he was doubting about wether he should wear it or I. After an hour his doubt fell and told me that the skirt didn't suit his 'Metalhead' image and he passed it to me. Sadly the skirt had broken pieces at the part where it closes the locks (forgive me for my lacks of correct explanation) and we had to use safeties pins to stick the parts.

Of course you can guess meh shoes... ^^ and the boots suited so nicely with the long skirt. Atop of the skirt I wore a black gauze shirt and my sword-amulet around the neck. Yet it was too cold to go outside with this shirt, despite the warm coat would wear, and I covered my upper body with a blouse.

Then it was make-up mirror time! Together with Ankie (Devi's gf) we both did our faces in front of the same mirror like school girls and we had so much fun. The style I chose was black eyeshadow and eyeliner but in a different way than I usually applied to my face. At the edge of my right eye, I drew a lightningbolt that looked sooo awesomely hot! And Ankie had her eyes surrounded by pink shadow that suitted the rest of her outfit (sadly no pictures yet) and she looked so awesome. Her style was cyber funky and pink with black. Her shoes were higher than mine ^^ grr I envied her, but still I was taller mwuhahaha!

Devi was different and also dressed in a unique way. Remember the disco ages in the 70's? That pants was baggy of his and his total outfit black. His shirt tight and black. He looked like an undead disco-dancer who has come back to dance along the other undead ^^ that kind of image he expressed.

So off to the cyber party (Baroeg Rotterdam)!

We had some trouble with the public transport as we discovered that the tram we usually needed wasn't coming there anymore because of the timelimit. The last one would arrive at 8:00 PM and it was like 10:30 PM so we took the bus.

As we arrived there we met Devi and Ankie's friends. These are very social and nice people. However their outfits were very limited and regular among goths. Only the three of us did our very best to look extremely good, while they did something plain and simple, but it didn't bother me.

Time for a beer! I walked toward the bar while of course I got instantly noticed by people around me and some stared at me like they saw a ghost or something while some were kind of already used to this. I ordered one beer and when I heard the price I was shocked. 2 euros (almost 2 dollars)!! Can you believe it?! Well that was my first and last beer of tonight, I said to myself.

I walked back toward the dancefloor and took a seat on the comfy couch where Ankie was waiting as well. Of course I could have offered her a drink as well, but that happened later this night. I had to spend my money slowly, and not too fast.

The girl sitting next to Ankie noticed Ankie's remarkable shoes (pic coming soon) and then Ankie was proud enough to refer to my shoes as well and I was forced to show the boots underneath the long skirt. Saphira, Ankie's friend, was sooo exciting when she saw my boots and she asked me if she was allowed to touch them ^^ Can you believe it? My boots being touched by an excited girl! Later she asked Ankie, while not daring to ask my directly, what my sexual nature was and Ankie sort of defended me by telling her that there aren't that much feministic goth boys who are hetero sexual. She replied by saying that it's awesome for me to dress the way I like and of course there were many more goth boys in long skirts and higher shoes, but mostly plateaus so I was the only boy with high heels there ^^

Again I found it a shame of Devi to see him go his way at the party as he mostly deserted his gf while I was giving Ankie most of the attention so I asked her to dance with me after she took pictures of our shoes. We got up and started to dance on Doom Metal music. It didn't really mather what kind of moves I made, and dancing on this kind of music requires no codes so I moved my arms and hands with grace. I really felt so free and it was the first time I could actually dance on high heels. I finally understand that it feels so much greater to dance in high heels than on flat shoes.

Then I got noticed by an old friend of mine. Her name is Tonny and she's 35 years old. I was glad meeting her once again, it was too long ago since I last saw her. She also brought a friend with her. We went back to the bar and there was a little open space in the corner where we could rest upon the couches. After chatting a little, I told her a little about my new outfit and she commented it positively even about my heels. These people are so openminded and understanding that I took the liberty to offer them a drink but they declined because they have plenty of money.

Later this night I met a nice young lady who goes by the name of Kaley. She tapped me on my should while I was walking toward that same couch again and I turned around to see who that was. I saw her short pink painted hair and her thin pink semi transparent shirt that overwelmed me so greatly. She said: "Hi there! May I tell you how gorgeous I find your high heels?" and I was so blushing. "Wow! Thank you" I said and we decided to expand our chitchat into a conversation so we sat there on the couch where she grabbed meh boots to observe it from a closer view. She asked me where I bought them... why do they always ask us guys where we buy our heels? ^^

She was a very spontanious lady I told her and I received the same reply. Finally, I thought, there is still life on this planet! Wow!

to be continued...

If all is lost as it may seem,

in a cruel endless game,

I'd rather live to redeem,

than to die in shame!


That is such an awesome story, and to top it off, a great gathering to be had by all! Having seen a lot of gothic 'scenery' around Denver in recent years past, I can imagine how things must have gone. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time during the fest, and hopefully it gave you a rush that you can ride the wave on for quite some time :-)

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!


Great outing, Zero! The goth scene really is the perfect place to do your own thing and be perfectly accepted for it. After all isn't that part of what it's all about?

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.


Is a guy doing Goth actually hidding himself in an image that makes the person invisible to non-goths?. Seems a great way of being able to heel without being singled out. I don't mean this as an insult, I'm just questioning how the scene works for you, and how it goes in general terms.

totter along into history

  lorriette said:

Is a guy doing Goth actually hidding himself in an image that makes the person invisible to non-goths?. Seems a great way of being able to heel without being singled out. I don't mean this as an insult, I'm just questioning how the scene works for you, and how it goes in general terms.

Goths differ as well as the scene they choose. Mostly I consider it as role play. There are many kinds of scenes to choose from, starting with vampire style to pirate to even cute doll style (lolita). I experience myself a little more stiff when wearing my long coat but last time I wore the long skirt and I was sort of more free as it felt. Of course some goths hide themselves behind their style... and are oftenly declared depressed and never laughing. I don't have to deal with these people fortunately and indeed I don't take your question as an insult. Most stereotypes throw with words like "Stupid Goth" while being dumb their own. All I do then is ignore them. Even I some times feel singled out, but I've been that since I started school. Yes I have been teased and physically abused by classmates, but it only made me stronger and I never gave in the to mainstream since I always wanted to do my own stuff. For that I felt punished, but it isn't a punishment, it is jalousy.

I'm not invisible at all. In fact I get noticed quite easier than non-goths (oo I like that term you said: non-goth) A goth is no better no worse than you are. It is still flesh and blood, but with a different hobby and interest than you. The impression a non-goth gets is that the goth is hard to reach, however it is the non-goth's curiosity that needs guts to walk up to that goth to ask the mindbugging question. I talk a lot to people wether they are goths or non-goths, even strangers if in the rightful situation and if they are spontanious enough to recieve my company. For that even most goths give me that weird look that non-goths do too. I'm a happy type of goth ^^ and loving it.

I hope I answered you question.

If all is lost as it may seem,

in a cruel endless game,

I'd rather live to redeem,

than to die in shame!


Thanks for the reply. Still not sure what it is about, but didn't realise the scope it encompassed. Iv'e been trying to find a niche for me for over 40 years. Finally seeing that one doesn't exist, it's all to do with how you see yourself and the ability not to prejudge others responses. The wearing of anything generally perceived as abnormal to the majority, will. inevitably, lead to comment. Rise above it, we commit no crime, nor do we cause pain or distress. Anyhow, surpressed folk out there need something to laugh at. :D

totter along into history


Zero:-) It sure sounds like you had a great time at the dance and even danced in heels for the first time. When you can, some pics would be welcome. Also, I'm looking to read the rest of your story of your outing in your heeled boots. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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