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Height Increasing/Elevator Shoes


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Dawn/Mskim61, Just to clarify, I added inserts to increase the heel, not the overall shoe. I did this not necessarily to add height, but to give me the feeling of a higher heel. As a matter of fact, I've noticed that is a major difference between say 3" heels that are mostly just a straight incline and 3" heels that put your foot at a curve. When I do the inserts, I also try to increase the curve. If your interested, PM me and I will go over various ideas with you. BTW, my wife (being short, 5"2") likes wearing "platform" shoes where the whole shoe is raised vs just the heel. Scotty

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DeSalto, I agree with you. My wife likes the platform (toe and heel both raised) because she is going for height. I like the toe to be as low as possible (no platform is best) with the heel atleast 4", because I like the feeling the best. I guess it goes back to the original why you wear heels (or just shoes) in the first place. Scotty

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i ordered some bertulli heels they dont give much lift, ie when stood stil, however you can feel there is elevation when you try and walk. the shoes look slightly larger than you might expect, particularly in height up the back of the shoe, however to anyone onlooking noone would bat an eyelid. they are basically constructed with a foam wedge in the heel section of the shoe to give elevation and are fairly comfortable any q's please ask daz

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I posted this in another thread as well, but thought it fit here too. You can see from the pictures the original height of the shoe and the new height after I have added inserts.

The first pic is a side view. You can see the original heel. My finger is pointing to where the heel is now.

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Here are two shots looking into the shoe.

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And finally, you can see the shoes on my feet. Again, I am pointing to where my heel is.

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As you can see, I am able to wear them very comfortably, however, I think having a strap would help hold my foot in better. They stay in pretty well as it is since the front has elastic bands, but for added security, I would like to add a strap.


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