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Positive Personality and BIG Fun in Heels


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Positive Personality and BIG Fun in Heels

We seem generally in agreement about the need to accelerate widespread public acceptance of men wearing high heels. My take on this is that men wearing heels should do so with pride and dignity, and not with secretiveness or shame.

High heels are fashionable footwear, and ought be a source of pride for the wearer. As I have previously posted, heels on men can be a chick magnet, and also an attractive fashion accessory. We can project a positive personality image, as hip, fashion conscious men in heels. Further, be being positive and upbeat about our footwear choices, we inspire others to adopt similar attitudes.

"Why are you wearing high heels?" you might be asked. "Because they look good, and I like them," you could respond. "How can you walk in those shoes?" someone could inquire. "I walk tall and enjoy the feeling of wearing them." I think you get the idea.

By being proud and positive about your appearance while wearing high heels, you increase public acceptance and make it easier for the next male heeler who passes that way.

Since high heels on a guy are sharp, hip fashion, if still a little unusual, people will notice, and look at you. Don't look away. Smile and nod. Show your confidence and pride. If someone asks about your shoes, speak positively about your footwear. Others will realize that high heels on men are a positive fashion statement. That will strike a blow, in favor of acceptance.

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Magickman, Well said, again. We have a lot to be proud of. We're fashion pioneers. My ready response if anyone should ask me, "Why?" is, "Because I like them. Don't they look great!" The only problem is, no one has asked me in a long time. Blue Tango


So many shoes and only two feet.

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Aceptance would come about a lot quicker if wives or girlfriends decided that thier bloke should wear heels. All we need to do now is get thrm to think that way. Being seen and proud is a good first ( high heel ) step

totter along into history

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