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SallysWorld-Webmaster Messages Appropriate for this site?

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It seems to me that some of the messages posted by Sallys World Webmaster are designed to solicit business on their website. Although we have users on here post messages and may refer people to their own personal website containing further photos, these personal websites tend to be just that - personal, private sites not for profit. And, the hhplace member posting the messages is usually the person in the photos on the website. It might be a slightly different matter if it was Sally herself was posting messages, but her webmaster? I don't know specifically what the rules of hhplace.org are, can someone give a statement on this please? - it seems to me that primary purpose of Sallys-world-webmaster user is nothing short of advertising. There is a forum for that and this user has posted already in there, so do we really want this message board full of these kind of messages all over it? I personally don't want advertising messages being thrust in my face all the time.

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I tend to ignore those types of posts and hope the moderators tidy up the boards from time to time, for me it should me in the URL section only. However I am sure the guys/gals running this place will clamp down on it when they catch their breath. No Doubt they have had a great deal to do with all the goings on with the HHPlace.org lately! I say keep these Adverts to the right sections! Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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Here's what it says in the posting guidlines:

(Not Allowed)Spamming of commercial sites, advertising, pornography, warez, or any illegal material. Reference to shoe sellers etc is allowed within the context of the conversation, but not blatant advertising.

Advertsising of pay sites or shoes for sale is allowed but only in the apropriate forum.

I'd invite opinion from members as to if they think the adverts for Sally's World amount to spamming or not. Personally I think it's not too bad if they continue to use only one or two threads and provide examples of the content and discussion of the content rather than just saying "join up here". They appear to have done this so far. But, that's only my opinion at the moment.

In the thread "Preview Pics" for example, most members appear to be enjoying the pictures and contributing to a discussion about them. Obviously it's a thread to draw attention to the Sally site, no denying that, but it also provides interesting content, so there's a balance to be struck.

What do other people think?

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I am sure they will take notice of the comments. My suggestion to sally's world is quality, not quantity! Emma, I am glad to see your spinning Avator back again, please dont change it. I still dont know what the Penguins are all about! Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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I think Firefox has nit the nail on the head. It's not too bad at the moment, I'll agree with that. There are two users, sally herself and her webmaster. I have no objection to a few preview type images, but when messages are posted saying something like "come to the website and let's see if we can get 10,000 hits with in the first five days", something like that which has happened I think under the Sally ID, then that's a bit blatent.

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Emma, I am glad to see your spinning Avator back again, please dont change it.

I still dont know what the Penguins are all about!


I second this motion!

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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The spinning avatar is only back by accident, since the backup which the board has gone back to must have kept the old profile settings. Luckily, it's still stored on my webspace. Since some of you have said you prefer it, I'll keep it. The penguins thing is a long personal story which I won't bore you with at the moment. Emma

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