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help needed


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just stepped up from a pair of 4 inch stilettos to a 4.5 inch pair of stilettos wore them out for the first time today but could not get the hang of them they were scrapping all the time. im good at walking in 4 inch no problem just cant get the extra steepness all help appreciated.

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It doesn't matter how proficient you are at walking in 4" heels. it takes time and lots of practice to get used to wearing higher heels. Just stick with it and it will become easier the more you wear them. Perhaps now is the time to go to 5" heels. If you do, 4½" heels won't seem that high any longer. I'm sure you will love wearing them once you get used to them. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Especially depending on your shoe size that 1/2" could be more than that if you (Like me) have really large feet... the "stretch" or length of your foot can change the hiegth and pitch more than you think.. Practice Practice Practice


Used to be cosmo_loves_PH before the crash!

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What style of shoe are they? Are you switching from say, a court shoe to a boot? The different style of shoe would call for a different style of walking. For instance, when I wear sandals, I know my toes can sort of "propel" me whilst walking, whereas with boots my toes don't have the open freedom to do so. So I think it's important for you to adjust to the shoe itself moreso than the heel height. I've easily taken the heel height down as far as two inches between shoes without incident because I know how I have to walk the shoe itself.

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