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Letter to Paul Harvey


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I recently wrote a letter to Mr. Paul Harvey, a well known, if not legendary, American news reporter who has been on the air for decades. His show is heard around the world.

One of his most recent commentaries covered the Utilikilt: http://www.utilikilts.com/

Dear Mr. Harvey:

As a world traveler, I long ago discovered the comfort of alternative clothing styles such as skirts and robes commonly worn by men in many other countries.

Thus, I was glad to learn you spoke about the Utilikilt:


Thank you for helping to loosen our country's stranglehold on men's fashion. If more men know how incredibly comfortable skirts really were, and how many are available in very masculine designs, there would be a lot more happy men out there!

Besides, it's long been known the reason a man's testicles dangle is because they need to be several degrees cooler than the body for proper sperm formation. By stuffing them into underwear and again into a pair of pants, we're short-circuiting God's design.

Here are some other sites you might find interesting:


Men's kilt/skirt clothiers:


One of my personal favorites for camping and hiking is the Macabi, designed for both men and women: http://www.macabiskirt.com/

I've always enjoyed your talks, and hope to hear more on the issue of men's clothing. After all, men wore skirts and robes for tens of thousands of years, and even heels for a few hundred! It wasn't until the late 1800s when some puritanistic movement nixed all the progress we'd made until then and straightjacketed us into pants.

As a born-again Christian, I thank God men are breaking free from that fashion bondage and returning to a wider variety of styles!

Thank you for your time, and Keep your excellent talks coming!


Gene' Bujold

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GBJ, perhaps it might do well to explain who "Mr. Harvey" is? In my mind, you are writing to Mr. Paul Harvey, a well known (legendary?) American news reporter (and one of my favorites) that has been on the air for decades. I happened to be listening to him when he reported on the sale of men's skirts, also. However, some of our English and European members mightn't be familiar with him. If I am mistaken, please excuse me. http://www.paulharvey.com/bio.shtml

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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GBJ, perhaps it might do well to explain who "Mr. Harvey" is? In my mind, you are writing to Mr. Paul Harvey, a well known (legendary?) American news reporter (and one of my favorites) that has been on the air for decades. I happened to be listening to him when he reported on the sale of men's skirts, also. However, some of our English and European members mightn't be familiar with him. If I am mistaken, please excuse me. http://www.paulharvey.com/bio.shtml

original post edited to include your recommendations...

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Thanks for posting the links to some rather interesting sites Gene.I spent the morning browsing thro them and enjoyed what they had to offer.

I also like the look and feel of skirts and have 2 of my own that I wear when the mood strikes. One is a faded blue denim and the other a dark sand colored cord, with a laced fly that sits low on the waist . Both fall to the lower calf with the corduroy skirt sporting a frayed hem. I do enjoy them and they are both extremely comfortable, but I don’t wear them any where near often enough. (This will have to change. :))

To say I was particularly taken by the Macabi skirt would be an understatement. What a practical alternative to trousers and with style to boot. Definitely something I would buy.

While visiting Tom's Cafe, I came across a photo of one of their members wearing a navy skirt, jacket and polo neck.The heeled boots he chose to go with them were spot on in my opinion and I thought the look he had achieved was harmonious and coordinated. He may be pushing the envelope but the whole look suited him immensely. Here’s a link to it. navy skirt

I beleave good media coverage like this and as you have said, tasteful moderate dress sence on our part, all help in the continuing move towards true fashion freedom for men.


Btw Gene,I enjoy your unbiased and well thought out posts,long may they continue :D

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Thank you, Jim! I agree with you - the man in the navy skirt is very stylishly dressed. Although I usually wear pants in public, I like the Macabi skirt when I'm hiking and camping. I've worn it on several day hikes in Red Rock Canyon, about 20 minutes west of Vegas, and even wore it for an entire week when our family went camping at North Rim Grand Canyon (a beautiful and cooler alternative to the quite crowded South Rim park). Unlike skirt-wearing around town, I received a lot of questions and comments about the Macabi. Mine is the long (38") charcoal, so it's a real duster, but it also has wading clips and a pant clip (shortens to knee-length - great for scrambling over rocks). I think it's because when you're in a city, and you see someone doing something that's different, there's an unwritten rule to just let them be. But when you're camping, it's an altogether different mentality, harkening back to the days of small communities, where everyone knows everyone else. The only "negative" comment I got was from a guy who said, "well, whatever floats your boat." A lot of women, however, said they were going to order one, and a couple of guys said they were going to order one, too. And one guy, who's a frequent rafter on the Green River rapids in Washington State said a lot of guys wear skirts while rafing, including him. He had a Macabi skirt, but didn't think to bring it! Said he would bring it when he came back next year.

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