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The following is a short commentary on venemous posting in general - it simply has no place, either here, or on any other board in this community we call The Internet. Not long ago, I made a post with every intention of trying to help resolve a long-standing problem. It was posted politely, sincerely, and in good faith. In response, one individual whom I've actually defended from time to time, both publically and privately, decided to take a dump on me, and it stinks, big time. I'm not sure what that individual's problem is, nor at this point, do I really care, which is a very strange departure for me. As most of you know, I care deeply about other people. Even I have limits, however, and the heinious abuse contained in the post is way over the line. In the meantime, I would like to thank the rest of you for your own maturity in dealing with the many, sometimes contentious issues on this board. Keep posting, and keep heeling!


May I add some of my rules? This is a written forum thus response time is slow. In other words saying something face to face is immediate in an exchange. If I "flub" the delivery face to face I can quickly recover, apologize, etc. There are things like body language, inflection that are totally absent in a written commentary/exchange, so be careful how you word it before you submit it. Am not saying some intentional malise is not delivered which is simply rude, but I have unknowingly (at the momment, then learned later of it) delivered hurtful commentary/messages due to the short comings of this format.

classic style high heel boots


There have been some pretty nasty things said (by a troll) that couldn't possibly have been said by mistake and has seriously insulted someone whose posts have been full of wisdom and common sense despite his young years.

One good thing about this format is the fact that responses are so slow because it gives us the time to review what we are saying and to try and look at it from another's point of view.

We only have the person's word that "she" is actually a genuine female, and thinking about it, she has a classically tranny name second only to Susan for popularity. If that is the case, a saying including the words "pot" "kettle" and "black" springs instantly to mind!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Well, that person has apologised in another thread. I agree with the general sentiment of Gene's comments. Things have been getting out of hand recently and I'm partly to blaim for that because the mods we have in that forum are not active at the moment, plus I've been very busy the last three months. The problems with the gal's forum have been noted and we'll do our best to put them right. Do you think it's helpful to question people's identity though? It's likely to be very hurtful to the person concerned. Tantamount to insulting them. It would be more constructive to accept that various people have been upset for different reasons, but we can hopefully draw a line under that and move forward. If we keep stirring the fire, then we'll all suffer.


Didn't someone once say that the only ladies who like men in heels are really TVs masquerading as such?

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

  Dr. Shoe said:

Didn't someone once say that the only ladies who like men in heels are really TVs masquerading as such?

Oh, I don't believe that's true... Anita C., for one, supported it. And I've known bona-fide women, real-life types, who've told me they support it, as well - unsolicited.

That sort of forthright support is rare, however.


Oh absolutely, my own wife loves me in heels (she's just paranoid about me wearing them outdoors for my own safety). She really thinks that they suit me.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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