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INTRODUCING: Luxury Fashion Forums response to men in heels


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Emery--I have to give you credit for your continued perserverance over at the Lux Forums. Over 150 posts over there! It seems as if you have developed rapport with alot of the people over there. And with your rapport you are pacing and leading them to the belief that it is okay for a man to wear heels. Great job!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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like anything unusual, i think the case sometimes requires that bit of extra persuasion to see your side. Imagine your ordinary person without our fetish suddenly been asked to picture a male, in what is normally a female fashion item sold to supplement a womens outfit in most cases, their mind would look at it rather oddly. However as we see in our heelmeets, more people look and stare hard because its different, but then adapt and realise its not so bad, while others get mildly curious and ask. So whereas initial reactions would be the uneducated EWWWWWW (like an opinion while in front of a gang of usual friends) with a little persuasion, and reinforcement of what we are really trying to say i.e. heres a picture of a conservative paur of perhaps unisex styled block heels barely seen under longish jeans, and take the daft idea of bright pink stilettos with flowers painted on them, coordinated with normal mns clothing, which is probably what the unknowing would robably imagine us to be talking of. So emery as kneehighs says, it may be worth the battle on these boards. While some will never change their ways and way of thinking, you will capture the attention of a few who stop to think, hang on, hes right. - keep up the battle. daz

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only tranny men should wear heels:i havent got a ford transit........used to drive a leyland sherpa van bout 12 years ago.....do i qualify for elmer fudds stereotype twaddle?

keen to meet other uk male heel wearers to try & boost my confidence to wear heels in public

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