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Went to a party...

Mickey S.

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... two years ago and did the following:


I almost forgot to tell you that one. - I was wearing a pair of black stretch leather knee high platform boots when I was invited to a friend's birthday party. I wore long flared jeans that covered most of the boots. Initially, I didn't intent but then I dared to come along in those shoes with an Indian friend (who lived together with a lot of other Indian folks next door in the students hostel) I agreed upon to pick him up because he was invited as well. He knew about my thing for shoes and didn't care at all. However, I found that those guys generally just look at what you are and what you do and not at how you look and what you wear. When I told him about my big crush for this stuff some weeks before that time he was like: 'So, what?' (Why can't everybody be just like that?). - Anyway, we arrived at the party (mostly Germans around my age) and entered the room. There was also one girl I've known for some time and I'd already talked to her about my thing for shoes once and what I would like to wear if there wasn't women's or men's shoes. So, she knew but didn't notice my boots at that time, obvioulsy. The boots must have been covered quite well. At least nobody said anything to me. Actually, I regretted it a bit that noone really saw what I wore. On the other hand I didn't have the guts to sit down and fully reveal my boots to everyone. There were too many folks that could have ridiculed me. There was one other girl who wore the highest heels at the party - in case you didn't consider my boots. I thought, 'Hell...', and sat down next to her admitting to let my pants sliding up a bit. Still nobody noticed and she didn't either. We had a quite nice conversation about almost everything and when it was late I gave her a lift to her place. When I left the party the first girl I talked to that evening just briefly touched one leg of my jeans trying to find out what brand it was. I had to pay attention that she didn't lift it too much or my boots would have become quite visible to the crowd. - Some minutes later, riding in my car we both, the girl I gave a lift and me, talked about shoes and she still didn't get what I was wearing or what I was trying to get at. Or did she? No, then she would have said something. Anyway, it's been a pity that there was no reaction but on the other hand I was glad that I didn't force it. I just dropped her nearby her place and we said goodbye. - Next time at the gym I met the first girl from the party again and I explained her why I was really wearing those particular jeans. She didn't believe it what I'd done. Next week I demonstrated it to her as I was wearing my boots again to the gym. Although she's usually very talkative the only thing she said back then was: 'Wow, cool!'. And I was: :roll: -- Okay, this might not have been as amazing to you as my other, more recent stories that I've put up here somewhere in the past but I think it was some cool experience too.

Here's just two brief 'impressions' what it looked like; originally the jeans were black ones and had slightly longer legs:

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Thats really cool. I need to get up the curage to wear mines out. Everytime I think about going for it I'm reminded about the violence in my neigborhood (hearing gunshots/police cars stop right up the street from my house, argueing etc.....) and I just get scared and decided not to go for it. Its hard because I'm not driving yet.

It's all good. ~Arron.

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I live in a similar neighbourhood (Hackney for those who live in UK) and I never had trouble in block heels though I have never tried stills. However, one solution is to wear "ordinary" shoes and change once you're clear of the neighbourhood.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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our area isnt so calm either ps those are great boots. bet they feel great. Are they a fetish retailer type shoe or did you get them elsewhere still dont understand how any jeans managed to hide such a high platform tho :roll:

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Yeh, it IS cool. That's what I thought the other day when that experience came across my mind again. I must admit I haven't done anything similar since where my heels were actually so obvious and easy to spot... :) Fortunately, noone is gonna pull a gun 'round here when I wear heels... :roll: CU! -Mike

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@Daz: ... you were faster than me... :roll: These boots are from a regular retailer. Although I'm a EU43 and the boots are 41s they have a great fit. They make some noise but, heck, when worn in a noisy area - who cares. I went to some big shopping centers in them and noone noticed. At least I didn't if someone did... The other pair of trousers almost covered the entire heel. Only half of a cm was still visible. The platform was of course obvious. But I think folks have more issues with heels on guys than platforms... CU! -Mike

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I just reflected what I found that people notice: Once I went for 'just' platform shoes nobody actually cared but when I started with shoes which had higher heels the folks definitely took a closer look... CU! -Mike

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its often noted that wiomen think theyre the only ones capable of wearing heels, which could explain their looks of disbelief. How many times do i hear girls using heels as excuses, my feet hurt, you should try wearing these etc. how much did your boots set u back mickey, and are they proper leather?

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@Daz: Two years back I paid, hang on, ..., *computing* ..., roughly £ 25. The upper material is some sort of 'artificial' stretch-leather. They have a full length inside zipper. I put them on and off lots of times already, went shopping in them; the zipper, the shaft and the heels are still in very good condition. It's somehow very good quality.... @hiheellover23: I need to find some fullsize pictures. Once I've found them in my archives I'll post them here. So, check back regularily if you want. CU! -Mike

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