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Hello everyone, I joined on Saturday and hopefully this will be the first of many messages. So that you know my passion is high heeled boots and the higher the heel & the higher the boot the better. I currently have two pairs of boots:- 1. PVC thighboot (just over kneel), 4.5 inch stiletto heel (first ever pair). 2. Leather knee boot, lace up with buckles, 5.75 inch stiletto steel heel. I will get organised and sort out some photos asap. I look forward to corresponding with like minded people as I've only been wearing high heels for the last 6 months and would like to share this passion. Baz

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Welcome to the group, Baz! As one heel lover to another, I'm sure you'll find lots of like-minded people here who have a love for expanding fashion consciousness. Pull up a comfy couch, have a nice cup of refreshment, and enjoy! :drinking: :roll::)

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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Welcome; Since you are a newbie to wearing high heels, I'm curious as to what got you started.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.

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