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Yellow Dress


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It was Saturday morning.  It was raining when Jane rolled out of bed at 7:30. The sky cleared a little after 8.  Now, at 10:30, it was a beautiful day.  Clear blue skies, lots of sunshine. A gentle breeze.  It was a good day to do something outside. Jane, really bored, sat looking out of the window.  It had been almost a whole week since she and James had been anywhere together. Todaywe need to go somewhere and just enjoy each other, she thought.

Jane got up and went to find James.  He was sitting at his desk reviewing some paperwork from his job.  He looked up as Jane walked in.  “Let’s ride over to Bright Bay and get some seafood for lunch.” She said. “We can go to that new seafood restaurant and get some shrimp or crab salad.”  Jame said “Dressed like this?”as he stood up.  “Hell yes.” No one will recognize us. Besides you look so beautiful in that yellow sundress with those white sandals. No one would ever take you for a man.”  

Coming around to the front of his desk and putting his arms around his wife, saying “are you sure? You know how much attention I attract when l am dressed like this? I am dangerous!” Jane smiled and stated “Just you wait. I’ll wear something so beautiful that no one will even notice you.” With that, she turned and headed up to the bedroom.

Thirty minutes later, Jane walked back into James’ office wearing a gorgeous red sundress, a pair of red spike heel ankle strap sandals, toenails polished matching James’ toes with very light makeup on her face.  Talk about stunning, she was right when she said that no one would notice him. James had never seen her more beautiful.

They drove Jane’s BMW convertible to Bright Bay and found the restaurant. Jame parked and they walked to the door, their heels clicking on the pavement, went inside and stood in front of the hostess. The hostess, a nicely dressed, pretty young woman looked up from her seating chart and looked at two of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. She stood there with her mouth wide open and mumbled “just the two of you?”  Jane answered “Yes, and we would like to sit on the deck with an ocean view, if possible.”  The hostess asked them to follow her onto the deck to a nice table in the shade with a good ocean view.

A nicely dressed, young man appeared, filled their water glasses, handed them menus and took their drink order. James, ice tea, Jane, just ice water with lemon. James picked up the menu and looked around to see if they were attracting any attention. He didn’t see anyone paying any attention to them. James decided that he wanted the shrimp platter with french fries and coleslaw. Jane chose a shrimp salad with ice tea. A waiter brought their drinks as another young man took their food order.

A large party of men and women arrived, following the hostess onto the deck.  The men scrambled around gathering up all of the vacant tables and pushed them together in into one large table big enough to seat everyone in their group. When they all were seated, there was one couple that didn’t have chairs. The hastily formed table had enough room for everyone but they were two chairs short.  Two of the men approached Jane and James and asked if they could borrow the two chairs at their table that weren’t being used. Jane told them to help themselves.  The guys thanked them and carried the chairs over to their table.

Their food arrived and, at the same time, Jane’s cellphone rang.  Jane, answering it and listening for a couple of minutes and, apparently interrupting the person on the other end, saying “Can I call you back later? We’re in the middle of eating dinner at a restaurant and I don’t have any of that information with me.  Better than that, gather all of your questions together and email them to me. I will send you an answer on Monday.  Oh! If your feel that way, I’ll package everything up and send it back to you. You should get it in New York at least by Friday.” Without another word she shut off the call.

James, curiously asked  “What was that all about?” She told him that call was from her editors about the project report she sent to them on Friday.  Apparently they they have some feedback from the people paying for her analysis. They threatened to fire me if I didn’t respond immediately. I felt like telling them that I have had 10 offers for employment from their competitors in the past three weeks. So, take your best shot. But I didn’t. I Like these people.” Then Jane told him “Actually Honey, I’ve been thinking of going independent lately.  My modeling skills and photographs are in demand and my reputation as a writer is solid. My articles And comment solicitations are popular and sought after.  I have been getting 10 to 15 requests per week for articles and comments each week. So many lately that it is becoming difficult to keep track. And, what is so surprising is that these requests are legitimate and a lot of them from companies that I’ve never heard of.”

James was astounded.  He knew that her modeling session were in great demand and her fashion articles were popular.  But he had no idea about this other stuff.  He apologized  telling her that he had no idea that she was under so much pressure.  And, he would pay closer attention and try to be more help to her in the future.

Jane called for the check and asked for a couple of doggie bags. There was so much food left over that  that she figured at least 2 meals each.  They stood up, picked up their purses and started to leave when one of the men from the party group that borrowed their empty chairs approached them and, after introducing himself as Peter Lang, he invited them to be his guest at a formal party given by the Art and Historical Museum Society of the Greater Charleston Area later that evening.

Jane was familiar with this organization. It was one of the major societies that the community supported. Most of the “Movers and Shakers” living in this area were members. James was hesitant. He didn’t believe that he could go on living if he was exposed to this crowd as a man dressed as a woman. Jane, on the other hand, was all for accepting the invitation because her company was negotiating with this group for a fashion show this Fall. Meeting these people now would give her a big advantage to her in the future.

Jane looked at the way the other women were dressed in semi formal attire, appropriate for early evening events.  She told Mr. Lang she would love to accept but they were both dressed for afternoon activities and would be out of place at an affair like that.  Mr. Lang responded that they looked just fine  “In fact, both of you are gorgeous. Your dresses are stunning. My wife couldn’t get over how beautiful the girl in the yellow dress is. And, she wanted me to offer you any amount of money for your red dress.  If anyone is critical of the way you two look, I would recommend that they immediately make an appointment with their Doctor because there is something seriously wrong with them.”

Jane said that she would talk to Jamie and let him know what they decide.  Meanwhile, Mr. Long said “Why don’t you come over and meet everyone,anyway.”

They walked over to the group together and Mr. Lang got everybody’s attention and told them that he would like to introduce these two gorgeous women to them with the hope that together they could convince them to come to the museum event with them.

Jane looked at everyone and said “Hello everyone My name is Mrs. Jane Davis Kelly. I live on a farm near Montclair. My friend here is my husband’s cousin Dr. Jamie Donavan, PhD, from Washington, D.C. Jamie is visiting us for the weekend. Unfortunately my husband is out of town on business. So it’s just the us two here together “.  One of the ladies spoke up and said “There is a fashion model and writer with the same name. Is that you?” Jane said that it was.  One of the men asked Jamie what kind of doctor was she? Jamie answered him that she was an Astronomer. She studied stars.

The women immediately gathered around Jane and began talking fashion while the men all gathered around Jamie and wanted to talk about space and stars.  Fortunately for James his hobby was space and astronomy.  His knowledge of space and his aviation background enabled him to hold his own with this crowd.  

After an hour or so, Mr. Lang said it was time to go to the museum. Jane told him that she would have to drive her car because she would have to drive back home afterward.  Mr. Lang gave his parking permit to her so she could park close by and quickly get to her car when it was over.

Jamie and Jane walked to the car, their heels clicking on the pavement. James couldn’t believe he spent most of the afternoon with a group of people who thought he was a gorgeous woman. It happened just like Jane said it would.  Look the part. Play the part and go with the flow.

James drove into the center of the city to the museum, showed the parking pass to a policeman directing traffic and was motioned to the side entrance. A smartly dressed attendant opened the door and helped Jamie get out.  Jamie handed him the keys as the attendant gave him a parking ticket, saying that if he gave the attendant the ticket when they got ready to leave, they would bring the car here to him.

They saw Mr. Lang was waiting for them when they walked into the building. He led into the main hallway where he put them with his wife’ group. As it turned out, Mr Lang was the Chairman of this society and overall in charge of the event.  He was also a main contributor and tonight he was the Master of Ceremonies.

As people arrived, they circulated, gathering in small groups talking with each other and were treated with Champagne and heavy hors d’oeuvres. At the sound of a bell, everyone filed into the dining hall and went to their table and sat down in front of their place card. Mr. Lang took Jane’s arm and politely led her to his table and assisted her as she sat down in front of her place card, then guided Jamie to her place with her name on it.

After a fabulous dinner of a choice of either rare roast beef or baked chicken and appropriate wine, Mr. Lang went up to the podium and began the program by welcoming everyone and repeating the mission of tonight’s event. Then he continued saying “Tonight we have two special guest joining us.  Please welcome Dr. Jamie Donavan, PhD Astronomy and Director of Deep Space Mission Programs at NASA and Mrs. Jane Davis Kelly, noted Fashion Author and Feature Model. we met them earlier this afternoon and, after learning who they were, we invited them to join us this evening.” Then, gesturing for both of them to stand, they rose and accepted the applause.

The event wound down.  Mr. Lang thanked everyone for their generous contributions that he assured them that would allow the museum to continue to operate for another year, He  concluded the program. Women gathered around Jane talking about fashion and clothes in general, complementing her on her success as a model and author of so many interesting articles. People also flocked around Jamie talking about the space program and projects NASA was working on.  Mrs. Lang, as well as other women in the group, was very complementary on the way both Jamie and Jane were dressed.  She thought Jamie was an absolute doll and Jane was the most beautiful woman.  She gave Jane her card, asking her to please send her information on her red sundress and sandals.  Almost an hour after the event ended, Jane said that they really needed to go.  They had a long drive to get home and it was getting late.  They picked up their purses and headed for the car.

As they were leaving, Mrs. Lang, insisting that they call her by her first name, Florence”, promised to stay in touch with Jane and they would get together soon. Mr. Lang, insisting that they call him by his first name, ” Peter”,was very complimentary, thanking both of them for coming and for making the event so successful. He added that “I can’t remember when both the men and women were so enthusiastic at an event like this. Your being here added that extra element that turned a dry occasion into to something exciting and special.”

The parking attendant brought the car to them and James got into the driver’s seat and they began the long drive home. Jane began laughing, saying “what a grand coincidence.  Having super good seafood lunch and being special guests at an exquisite prominent social event all in a seven short hour period.” James, on the other hand, was thinking about the ramifications of any feedback it could have, and it was frightening. After all, he was a man impersonating a woman at one of the most important social events of the year, in their home community, having everyone believing that she was something he was not.  Talk about confusing! 

When they got into the house, they stood in the kitchen looking at each other. Jane seeing James standing there wearing that beautiful yellow dress and his white 6 inch high heel sandals, said “that was an outstanding performance. I even forgot that you were not a woman and I can only imagine what most of the men there were thinking when looking at you.” James, looking at his wife dressed in that flaming red dress (thinking ‘what a shame they didn’t wear the same size because he would  love to put it on, along with those red ankle strap spike heels sandals.’) told her that she was the most beautiful woman there tonight and, “what ever most men were thinking when looking at you I was the only man there that had a prayer of doing anything about it.” ( even though I was wearing a dress and high heels.)

 It was, almost 11 P.M.  James, still wearing his yellow dress and white sandals, was relaxing in the Den watching the local news. Jane was brewing a cup of tea when she heard James calling her to turn on the TV in the kitchen, on the local news. She switched it on and watched herself and James standing and accepting the greeting they received at the museum.  The report included Mr, Lang identifying them and describing their invitation. The video showing them dressed in all their finery, Jamie in her yellow dress and Jane in her red outfit. Jane was shocked even though she had to admit they looked awesome standing there together.  So much for remaining anonymous. The publicity couldn’t do anything but benefit Jane in the professional sense, but it would make keeping Jamie in the shadows much more difficult.

James really enjoyed going out this afternoon.  The experience gave him the confidence he needed to go into the public knowing that he could pass as a female. Now, it wasn’t his ability to pass as a woman but his being identified as Dr, Jamie Donavan, NASA scientist. OK, the fact that he would have to remain out of the public dressed as a female for the next six to eight months, or as long as it took for anyone that saw tonight's news video to forget it, was discouraging.  The fact that he really enjoyed the anonymity of appearing in public wearing a beautiful dress and wearing his highest heels, going about his every day activity while remaining completely anonymous, is what it’s all about.

James walked into the kitchen shaking his head. Jane, washing out her tea cup, didn’t say anything.  She switched off the TV, walked over to James and putting her arm around his waist, they went up the stairs to the bedroom to begin their “undoing routine.”

James was quite as he began the process of getting ready for bed. He took off his wig and put in its box on the shelf.  Removed the earrings from his pierced ears and slid his dress over his head. He looked at it closely, admiring it as he put it on a hanger and hung it beside his other dress. Standing in front of the mirror, he wiped the lipstick from his mouth and began to clean the makeup off of his face.

Jane, standing beside him at an adjoining sink and going through an identical process, watched him closely, thinking how much he learned about being a girl in such a short time, as he cleaned his face with an exfoliate and moisturizer giving his face that feminine glow.  She finished her face cleaning routine while he was brushing his teeth.

Taking off his brassiere while going into the closet he removed the breast forms from the cups and put the bra into the clothes hamper. He put on an extremely sexy white silk nightgown and a matching robe.  He slipped his feet into a pair of matching mules with 7” heels and, turning facing Jane, announced that he was ready for bed.

He watched Jane as she climbed into bed and said “I forgot about my nail polish.  I guess I should have removed it before getting ready for bed.”  She told him not to worry about his toes because it would not show if he wore pumps or his men’s shoes and it only takes a few minutes to to remove the polish from your fingers if you have to take it off.  “So, let’s wait until tomorrow.

Rolling over and taking Jane in his arms, he said “I looked at my dresses as I was hanging up my yellow dress and saw I had more gowns than I could possibly wear. And now that Jamie has been compromised on the news by that report on TV tonight, I probably won’t have much opportunity to wear any of them in public anytime soon. But l really am crazy about your red sundress and those red spike heel sandals. You looked so beautiful wearing them. I noticed how the other women looked at you with such envy in their eyes, it frightened me. You don’t suppose you can find that dress and shoes in my size?  I would love to have an outfit like that.” Jane, squeezing him said. “I’ll see what I can find but I don’t find them quickly, you’re going to be out of luck because you and Mrs. Lang are about the same size.”

With that, she snuggled down and closed her eyes.





Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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