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Restaurant #1

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They were dressed and ready to go.  Jane reached for her wrap and handed it to James who helped her drape it over her shoulders. She picked up a dazzling white sweater and draped it across James’ shoulders.  Taking a last look at their reflection in the mirror, James standing behind her dressed in that gorgeous Red gown, white sweater across his shoulder, wearing his red patent leather red pumps with super high heels and smiled.

James opened the door and gestured for Jane to go out before him.  She turned around and said “you realize that once you step out of that door you will be Miss. Jamie Donavan until you get back here again, don’t you?  James didn’t say anything. He just stepped out, closed the door and escorted Jane to the car.  Off to the restaurant they went.

James (Now Jamie) parked the car close to the entrance. They walked into the restaurant, their heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor.  Jane, speaking to the hostess,  “I have reservations for two in the name of Kelly for 8 O’Clock. The Hostess, an attractive, smartly dressed, young woman looked up from her seating chart at the sound of Jane’s voice.  Her mouth dropped open and her eyes sprang wide as she looked at two of the most beautiful women she ever saw.  “My gosh” she thought,”Just look at the way they are dressed. They have to be movie stars or someone just as famous.

Quickly recovering, the young woman asked “Mrs, Kelly? “Yes” Jane replied. The hostess asked them to follow her as she led them to a table situated about halfway into the dining room.

As quickly as they arrived at the table, a formally dressed waiter appeared and pulling out the chair for Jane, motioned her into it. Jane thanked him and sat down.  After Jane was seated, the young waiter went to Jamie and seated her.

An older man came up to the table and speaking to Jane commented on how nice it was to have her dining with them again. Jane remembered his name and replied, “Thank you, Mr. Caldwell, it’s nice to be here again. “ Mr. Caldwell, the Manager, handed a Menu to each of them as another waiter filled their glasses with water and asked for their drink order. Both asked for white wine.

Jamie looked around. The room was about two thirds full. This was to be expected because it was one of the better places to dine in their area. Jane and James dined here a couple of times a month.  

Jamie, over heard Mr. Caldwell explaining to another table of four people, that Jane was the wife of a Denton Corporation executive and a well known fashion model and writer. He didn’t know who the woman in the red dress was. Perhaps they might learn who she is before they leave.

The waiter came and took their food orders.  Braised Beef Ribs, a baked potato and a small salad with ice tea for Jamie. Jane ordered the grilled salmon, salad and ice tea to drink

The food was delicious, well prepared and seasoned. James couldn’t remember when he enjoyed a dinner in a restaurant as much as he enjoyed tonight. Mr. Caldwell stopped to see if they needed anything else. They both ordered a piece of double chocolate cake and coffee to round out their dinner.

There was a steady stream of people passing by their table as they were eating.  One lady approached Jane with a copy of the magazine that had the picture of her wearing the outfit that she was wearing tonight. She was very respectful and polite as she asked Jane to please autograph it for her. Jane wrote something complementary and, as she was signing it, the woman’s husband took a picture of the woman leaning over Jane’s shoulder.  You could tell that the woman was very happy.

Jane asked for the check and just as the waiter was handing it to her, James looked up and saw Glen Fraser heading towards them.  Mr. Fraser was the councilman that invited James and Jane to the country club dance tomorrow night.  Jane knew who he was and had met him a couple of times. James was watching him when he sighted Jane. His face lit up with recognition. There was no way they could avoid him.  

Jane accepted his greeting and spoke to his wife.  He said he was surprised to see her here with out James.  Jane explained that James had a late trip to Chicago and was going to RON there. She thought that he would be home by tomorrow night. Jane introduce Jamie to them as James’ cousin, Jamie Donavan from Iowa who was visiting us for the weekend.  Mr. Fraser was curious about what kind of work she did and Jamie explained that she works for NASA without going into detail.

Mr, Fraser mentioned the dance at the country club tomorrow night and invited her to come with James and Jane.  Jamie said “I would love to come if everything works out.“  With that he said that they were looking forward to seeing Jane and James tomorrow night and he hoped that Jamie could come, too.

They gathered their things together, picked up their purses and headed for the door where Mr. Caldwell was telling those patrons leaving how appreciative he was that they came to dine with them tonight and hoped they would return soon. When they got up to him, he asked Jane for our check.  He told her that tonight’s dinner was on the house.

He told us that it was a gift from him and all of his employees for dining with them tonight.   “It was a unanimous feeling on the part of all of his employees and that every one of his employees and every one of the guests dining here tonight, that he had talked with, felt that your presence added an element of elegance and sophistication that had never been evident here before. I knew from the moment I saw both of you walking toward your table that tonight was special.  Your appearance was absolutely breathtaking. We can’t thank you enough.”

Jane was shocked. As she and James were leaving the house, on their way here to the restaurant, her professional self kicked in. She knew that on the “appearance scale,” individually they would each register a 100+. Together, she had no idea because the measuring system they used couldn’t even guess.  She was prepared to handle any attention she might receive because her outfit had been featured in a vary popular fashion magazine with a large circulation. She wasn’t prepared,however, for the way James’ appearance would be received.  She knew that he was an extraordinarily handsome male. What she wasn’t prepared for was his crushingly beautiful looks as a female.

Firstly, Jane introduced Jamie to him'. She explained that Jamie Donavan was James’ cousin that lived in the Washington, D.C. area and was visiting for the weekend. Unfortunately, James had a last minute trip to Chicago and was out of town until sometime tomorrow.

Jane accepted Mr. Caldwell’s offer to pick up the tab for tonight’s meal. But, she explained “this is a one time deal. They liked his restaurant and the food and in future visits they would appreciate2 being treated like every other paying customer.” After a few more words of appreciation and thanks, Jane and Jamie said good night and made their way to their car.

The first few miles on the drive home were nothing but pure silence.  Five miles after driving away, Jane, with a straight face, vsaid “I guess we attracted more attention than I thought we would.  Then, straining against her seat belt, she threw up her closed fists and shouted “WOW! as long as I live, I will never forget this night. Congratulations Jamie. You’re debut into the world of female living was a resounding success. I certainly hope you remember this event as long as you wear dresses and high heels.”

James was speechless.After taking a big gulp and sighing, he said “ I was totally confident that I could pull this off. After all, I have been wearing my lingerie, dresses and high heels and practicing all week. And you would be by my side every high heel step of the way. Even as I was getting ready, putting on my gown and you were polishing my nails I still felt that everything would be fine.”

“I was in the Den where you told me to wait while you finished getting ready. I was looking a picture in a magazine of the most gorgeous woman in the world, wearing the most elegant gown ever created, when you walked in. I looked up and that very same picture materialized alive in front of me.  As I stood up, I saw my reflection in the mirror on the wall,across the room from where I was standing. My confidence immediately deflated as quickly as a pin puncturing a balloon.  All of a sudden there was no way I was going to be able to pull this off.”

Jane , relaxing , told him “ After we were seated at the table, I totally forgot that you weren’t a woman.  Everything seemed so natural. Your looks.  Your actions, movements, reactions, everything appropriately feminine.  

Jane said “you realize that after tonight you can go back to being yourself again.  All male, all the time. James thought for a moment then replied “let’s take a few days and thoroughly think this through. There might be some other things that I can do playing a female role.

When we first started this gig, I had no idea that I would be so convincing as a female. I was afraid to be exposed as a man dressed as a woman.  But now I am convinced that the only way you would be able to tell is if you looked at me fully naked and were knowledgeable enough to know that there is a difference.”

Jane laughed.  She asked him “Have you given any thought to going to the dance tomorrow night as Jamie? If Jamie showed up it might give Glen Fraser a coronary episode.  Did you notice the way he looked you over when I introduced you?  Pure lust.  I thought his wife was going to hit him.” James responded that he had  noticed that, too. “I was prepared to beat his butt if he got fresh.” then he laughed at the prospect.

As they turned into their driveway, James said “Let’s think about the dance tonight and decide what to do tomorrow.

James drove into the garage and shut the car off.  Jane looked at him and said “Jamie, you’re home.”

Edited by Bubba136

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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