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 Alice Jane Davis Kelly, stifling a big yawn, walked into the kitchen still struggling into her robe.  She flipped the switch turning on the kitchen lights, pressed the “start button on the coffee maker, thus beginning another day in the lives of the Kelly family of Montclair, South Carolina, USA.

Alice Jane Davis married James Donavan Kelly almost fifteen years ago. In her mind the last fourteen years are a huge blur.  Graduating from college, finding a job she loved, marrying James  Kelly, birthing three children and living on a farm, almost off the “grid” in the middle of nowhere, which in her wildest dreams, were never anywhere in her future.

The day she walked across the Universe’s stage to collect her diploma bestowing a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism upon her,  Alice Jane Davis’ (called Jane by her family and friends because her mother’s name was also Alice) mind was filled with dreams of becoming a successful fashion writer employed by one of the three most successful and influential fashion magazines being sold on news stands across America.  Instead, she had fallen in love with the most handsome man on the face of this content. First Lieutenant James D. Kelly, USA.

1/Lt Kelly was a helicopter pilot just returning to the United States after a tour in Vietnam .    
He was a friend of her brother and they were currently assigned to the same Army unit. When her brother told him that he was going to Jane’s graduation ceremony, James told him that he had graduated from the same University with degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation Administration, her brother invited James to come with him.  He introduced James and Jane to each other.

Jane, was a smashingly beautiful young woman ( cornflower blue eyes, long natural blonde hair, red lips, and a curvaceously formed body with long, shapely legs). And James, described in the male context, as stunningly handsome ( otherwise described as “the most beautiful male specimen envisioned by the entire artistic community of America).

Jane and James were married on Jane’s 23rd birthday, shortly after James completed his military obligations and was released from active duty (James was 25).

From the very first day of this extraordinary union, this couple never experienced the usual “start of life” difficulties newly wed couples almost always experience — employment opportunities, financial adjustments, and housing arrangements— were unknown.  Jane landed a well paying position as a writer for a popular and influential fashion magazine (one of the three). And after a personal visit with the editors at the magazine’s headquarters In New York City, the editors, captivated by her stunningly beautiful appearance, began using her as a feature model whose pictures frequently appeared in the magazine along with her articles.  James, on the other hand, completed transitioning to fixed wing aircraft, became a fully qualified commercial pilot and landed a job as a corporate pilot, supervising the aviation and travel section of a Fortune 500 Corporation.

James loved the way Jane looked when she was formally dressed, especially when wearing shoes with super high heels.  And Jane, on the other hand was more comfortable informally dressed and since most of her work, her writing and research, was done from home, she lived mostly in T-shirts, shorts and flats.  James insistence that she dress formally wearing super high heels at all of his corporate functions, as well as for almost all of their other out of the house activities, became a sore spot in their relationship to a point it had become extremely bothersome.  She decided that she had to make him quit insisting that she wear high heels to every event they attend.

While the subject was still on her mind, James walked in to her office and announced that they had received an invitation from one of their community leaders to a dance at the local county club next Friday night.  And since they both were going to be at home, he thought they should go. Jane agreed and said that she was willing to go provide she could wear a pair of comfortable dress shoes suitable for dancing.  James, taken aback, began registering his disagreement, telling her how he thought that her wearing her highest heels was absolutely necessary. Jane, at this point, became totally pissed and told him that if he thought it was necessary, then he should wear them.

In fact, she was so angry, she went even further by saying that if he expected her to go anywhere with him ever again, next Thursday night he was going to take her out to dinner at one of the nicer restaurants in town completely dressed as a woman, wearing everything including underwear, makeup and high heels.  She said she was tired of his demands and thought it was about time he learned first hand how annoying it was for a woman to dress up to go out.

James was astounded! After catching his breath, overcoming his surprise, he shouted how absurd her suggestion was. He told her that in his 27 year life not only had he never worn a piece of women’s clothing, he never even had a desire too.  He shouted that he’d be damned if he was going to start now. Their discussion became heated.  Jane didn’t give an inch and James was equally determined not to agree to crossdressing and appearing in public at her insistence.

Finely, after heated rounds of abusive hollering at each other, Jane issued the big “U” (ultimatum): “Either you agree to do this or the first thing in the morning I am leaving you..  Dumbfounded at hearing Jane’s words, he walked out of her office heartbroken that she would take a firm stand on such a trivial issue and place their here-to-before perfect relationship in dire jeopardy.

James retreated to his den.  Devastated, he sat down and began analyzing their relationship from its beginning.  The first meeting, their courtship, the first year and a half of their married life, their financial and employment situation, their most satisfying intimate sex life. He could find no evidence of difficulties or disappointment anywhere. Everything between them appeared to be perfect. Finally, he determined it must be something he was doing  that was causing all of the tension.

The difficulty, he surmised, centered on his insistence that she wear super high heels whenever she dresses up.  To him, Jane was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  Her classic, natural beauty, sparkling, feminine personality along with her appearance when she was dressed for a party or when her picture appeared in a magazine, in his mind she never was properly attired unless she was wearing high heels.

she let him know early in their marriage that she preferred shoes with low heels rather than the super high heel heels he insisted she wear. She found them to be uncomfortable and only wore them to please him. He recalled how often she complained when he told her to change into shoes with higher heels.

This might just be a flaw in his personality responsible for her reaction.  As a young boy in his preteen years, he secretly admired women wearing high heels. While he often wondered how they could walk in them, he had no desire to wear heels himself. And he remembered how much pleasure he felt whenever he glimpsed a well dressed woman wearing pretty high heels at church or one of the various formal events he attended with his parents.

James returned to Jane’s office a couple of hours later determined to talk the situation through.  He would apologize and find a solution to this dilemma.  Jane, while she had cooled off from their argument, was still determined that he was going to take her to dinner dressed as a woman.

After Adamantly voicing his objections to dressing as a woman, James realized that he was not getting anywhere because Jane’s mind was set in concrete.  His choices: do as she demanded or risk losing her. So, when he asked how she planned to do this, Jane, realizing that she was accomplishing her purpose, quickly outlined a simple plan:  Tomorrow- Monday, she would go shopping and get everything he would need: Dresses, underwear, stockings, shoes and a wig.  That would give them most  of the day tomorrow, all day Tuesday, Wednesday. And most of the day on Thursday to learn and practice his female voice, mannerisms and walking in his high heels, before going out.  Jane, reflecting  on the task ahead realized that she had “a long way to go and a short time to get there.” But being a woman and a fashion expert, she was confident that she would succeed.

Jane drove into town the next morning to her favorite Dress Shop.  She had a good idea how James should look and what she needed. Getting the right size wasn’t a problem because she already knew his male sizes and converting them to women’s sizes would’t be hard for her

Jane quickly selected his lingerie: two slips, two braziers, four pairs of panties and several pairs of pantyhose.  Next she went to the dress rack.  Sorting through the gowns, she chose two semi-formal items.  One was a modest, slightly off shoulder with with a knee length hem. The other, an attractive rayon dress, light blue in color with a hem an inch or two shorter.

Satisfied with her choices, she walked over to the shoe section and selected two pairs of classic pumps with 5 1/2 inche heels. One was a pair in red patent and the other in black patent leather. She found both pairs in his size. After paying for her purchases, Jane walked next door to a hair salon where she selected a auburn color wig with shoulder length hair that she was positive would accent his hazel green eyes.

James, hearing her car come up the driveway, went to meet her and helped carry her stuff upstairs to the bedroom. Looking at the pile of packages on the bed, he began to get worried.

Jane, eager to get started, took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom where she handed him her razor and told him to take a bath and shave his legs and under his arms.  Fortunately, he had a beard like a twelve year old, thin, soft and light in color, almost unnoticeable. The hair on the rest of his body was sparse, thin and neutral in color.  After a quick soak in water scented with Lavender bath oil, he shaved like he was told and as he was drying off, Jane came in and handed one of her robes to him and told him to put it on. James, handing it back, said that it was hers.  Jane replied “ not any longer, I just gave it to you. It’s yours from now on.” He put it on and went back into the bedroom where Jane was unwrapping some of the lingerie.

She handed him a pair of panties telling him to put them on. Then she handed him one of the brassieres telling him that “you know how this goes. You’ve watched me get dressed often enough.” He took the bra, slid his arm through the straps, turned around so she could fasten it. Next, Jane opened a package of pantyhose, handed them to James remarking that he had watched her climb into pantyhose often enough that “ he knew the drill.”  James went and sat down on the bed, and just like he watched her, put the hose on, stood up pulled the top up around his hips.

James stood up, turned around and saw his reflection in the full length mirror that was fastened on the back of the closet door— the mirror Jane used to check how she looked whenever she got dressed to go out.  He just stood there looking at himself, gawking with his mouth wide open. Staring in disbelief at his reflection, dressed wearing nothing but a  brassiere, a pair of panties and pantyhose.  How on earth and why had he ever left his beloved wife talk him into doing this,he would never understand.

Jane walked back into the bedroom. She had gone to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. She saw James standing there looking at himself. She smile and thought to herself “were just getting started, there’s a lot more to come.”  She went to the bed and took out one of the new slips out of the package, handed it to James telling him to put it on. He slipped it over his head and she helped him pull it into place guiding it down over his hips. She took a long loving look at him and thought “end of phrase I.

Jane broke his spell by taking his hand and sitting him down at her dressing table, telling him that she wanted to see how he looked wearing makeup.  Before he could say anything, she got out her makeup kit and began applying a layer of foundation cream.  James just sat there absorbing the punishment realizing the transition he was undergoing along with the futility of complaining.  The entire situation was totally out of his control.

As a professional model and author of many articles on female fashion and dress, Jane was a recognized expert in her profession. While she could recall and recite all of her life mates extraordinarily handsome looks, feature by feature, this was the very first time she had looked at him from her professional perspective of highlighting all of his best features and accenting his female characteristics in order to enhance his womanly attractiveness.  In other words,how to make him a better looking woman.

Jane was stumped.  She had tried three different techniques.  None of them giving her the look she was trying to achieve. She was about to give up but decided to try one more time. The old Less is the Best technique.  Taking advantage of his natural “peaches and cream “complexion applying just enough makeup on his cheeks, eyebrows and eyelashes to enhance his natural beauty, she got what she was looking for.  He looked gorgeous. Even James was Impressed.  After all, since he had to endure all of this, the least he deserved was to emerge looking pretty.  Jane thought to herself end of phase lI.

James stood up. Jane stood looking at his beautiful face with just a hint of makeup to complete enhancing his natural beauty.  In her wildest thoughts she could never have imagined a more beautiful face.  Now, let’s finish what we started.

Jane took James by the hand and stood him off to one side of the bedroom. Out of view of the mirror She quickly took the new red dress off of the hanger and held it up in front of him to gauge the fit.  It appeared that it would fit him just fine.  She handed it to James. He put his arms into the sleeves and slid the dress over his head and with Jane’s help, pulled it down over his hips and into place and zipped up the back. It fit him perfectly.

 Next, Jane picked up the new pair of red pumps, handed them to James and told him to put them on. Sitting on the bed James slid his feet into thenew pumps. Jane stood beside him as he took hold of her arm and stood up. He took a couple of steps testing his balance.  Jane was surprised that he wasn’t having any problem wearing his high heels for the very first time.  She went and got his wig Ann helped him put it

Now he was completely dressed in women’s clothes., wearing high heels and a beautifully styled wig. Jane took his arm and they stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection. He looked gorgeous. As they stood there admiring James’ new appearance, Jane became frightened. It never occurred to her that his makeover would be so successful. That he would be able, in her opinion, to pass as a woman anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances.  She was frightened at the prospects of what was about to happen.

The only missing piece in this scenario was a name. What are we going to call this stunningly beautiful creature?  They discussed various names. Jane suggested they call her June. She always liked that name and thought thought that she would call her daughter Mary June, if she ever had one.  James liked Jamie, with a last name of Donavan,his middle name.  Hummmm!  Miss. Jamie Donavan, his cousin from Davenport, Iowa.  It sounded wholesome.

it was way past super time. James suggested that he grill hamburgers and they could create a bio for Jamie while they ate.  And James suggested since he was already dressed as he was, he should stay that way until they got ready for bed.  Jane just smiled.


                                                         More to Come  

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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