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Reason for wearing heels


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Hi Robert!

Thanks for the compliment!

The boots from the avatar are my boots. They are knee-high and made of soft matt/dull glowing/shining (however you may call this particular look) stretch leather. They have 5" blade-heels and a 'tiny' < 1" platform which gives a good 4" net-heel-height to walk on; very comfortable (once I almost forgot to put them off when my parents returned home one evening). The boots (Item.-No. 20/17) are sold by a German company called 'Extravaganza' (http://www.extravaganza.de/) for 149,00 Euro. Not quite cheap but really worth it. I went out for a stroll in them already and checked the reaction being amongst the Friday-nite-shopping-crowd. Noone cared - at least I didn't get any looks or comments from what I noticed although the heels make some quite audible noise.

Larger pictures? Here we go. First, with a skirt: http://secretdungeon.gmxhome.de/HighHeels/Boots/BladeHeels/BlackBlade.JPG

The source for the avatar: http://secretdungeon.gmxhome.de/HighHeels/Boots/BladeHeels/IMG_3967.JPG

The heel's close-up: http://secretdungeon.gmxhome.de/HighHeels/Boots/BladeHeels/IMG_3971.JPG

And another pair of my favorite footwear: http://secretdungeon.gmxhome.de/HighHeels/Boots/BladeHeels/BlackPlatform.jpg

Does that suffices you? :roll:



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i like them since i was 4 first wearing in my moms closet, she loved 3inch pumps and i loved how they look on her, i wanted to see everygirls wearing heels everywhere i wennt to the school, to the bank with my mom etc, just the sound of the steps my head turned to know from where it was coming, if the girl was not pretty and was wearing heels she was pretty then for me, the thing i could not stood was when someone could know how to walk properly or had not enough practice with high heels, these was bad, i wanted to show them how to do it, i was a kid that just had attraction to that, then i tried to wear them in my room where my mother was storing her shoes in a big closet there, my small feet could not fit on that shoe, then i lost interest for wearing them until i was fifteen, i was heavy metal fan my favorites were and still are matallica, gunsnroses, MOTLEY CRUE, iron maiden etc, and i saw that the guys of motley crue were using high stilletos and boots, so normal for them, i remembered then that i was very interested, and then i tried some heels from some aunts etc, some fit me but i didnt liked the style and i didnt tried again, then until 4 years ago i was one day looking for some shoes for me and it graved my attention a knee boot black leather 4 inch high heel, and i bought it BUT for my girlfriend i felt ok buying womens shaes, i was not feeling like if the person was going to stare at me thinking the y were for me, and at the same time i went an buy pretty sandals for my mom which size of the feet is 9 a little smaller than mine, then i start loving shoes again. I went with my girlfriend to buy everykind of heel etc, i was enjoying selecting styles and then i felt the anxiety of wanting to wear them too, but was impossible, then one day i went alone i bought my pair of 4inch black knee boots, and a pair of thights and wear them in my apartment i remembered the sensation i had when i was a kid, and i loved the sensations of the nylons, the high heel was making my stress going out from me and i was feeling totally excited, i dont know what is the chemcal reaction of our cells and body that this sensation is different than having sex or making love, is so so different, is so selfish, it feels that is totally for you. and gives lots of energy, wakes up every little cell from your body, butterflies in the stomach i dont know how to explain but is great sensation, i know why this items are being used by women, and why makes passion to both sexes i think that there are so much social issues of the men's uncertainty of loosing the masculinity by trying the fashion that today is labeled is fop women, now i have an extent collection of thigh high boots different colors, ankle boots, sandals and pumps, in addition to a big collection of hossiery. I dont wear them always i just play when i am in the mood, but i like the feeling definatelly. cheers

V. Morpho

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Thank you very much Mickey for the information! I've seen a few styles which do have my interest. Style 20/17 is indeed one of them. I like also 20/21, 20/26, 20/26L and 20/54. A few more questions about your boots. Are they true to size? Do you know if with the larger sizes the leg of the boots will "hug" the leg and not becoming loose as sometimes with larger sizes? (I'm a size 44) What does the arrow under the head "Size" mean? Is it that the arrow pointing to the right means that the size in general is somewhat larger than normal? Robert

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I have no idea about the "shaft's hugging" in larger sizes since I could order in my true size (the boots from the avatar are EU43 (or US ladies !2/13 if you want it like that)). As far as it concerns styles like the 20/54 the only thing I can tell you about this is that I got similar ones from the "discounter around the corner" in a size 41, which fit my 43 pretty good. So, ask them. In case you need a translation of the descriptions on their pages tell me and I try my best (I'm not sure if they have an English version of them up somewhere). I think there are three ways the arrow can point. Unless I'm not very much mistaken it can point upwards, downwards or right, meaning larger than given size (up, order one size down), true to size (right, order your actual size) or smaller (down, order one size up) - don't make me pay if this is not true. Talk to them prior placing an order w/ them. They are very friendly and cooperative. Once I ordered the boots w/ the 19cm platform and 28cm heels (20/50) I had to wait more than a year for them to arrive. It wasn't their fault but they took 25 Euro off of the price in return for my patience (the boots were 699.- Deutsch-Mark or roughly 350 Euro back then). The quality of the products they sell, although not quite inexpensive, is very good. CU! -Mike

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