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Hi too all members here. I'm just a guy with a soft spot for nice footwear, especially from italian designers. When it comes to shoes, it seems the girls have all the fun, but at least we can watch and appreciate. toto

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I surely would. Plus, I'm kind of short, and I could use 4 extra inches!

Glad to hear it!

What are your preferred styles, colors, cuts? Given the option, what would you have slipped on your feet this morning?


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What are your preferred styles, colors, cuts? Given the option, what would you have slipped on your feet this morning?


Well, I like some variety, so, my tastes are pretty eclectic. I can appreciate over the top sculpture-like shoes, the kind you have little chance to spot except if you attend some event at the Fashion week, but I also like classical designs, and I have some very precise ideas about what could be the perfect pump, for instance (though I'd have hard time to tell, I'd know it when I see it).

I'm also partial to retro designs from the 30's to the 60's.

If it were from me to wear, I'd go for no-nonsense oxfords, 4" or 4.5" slightly curved heel, not too thin, not too chunky, black leather and round toe.

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