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New Member just saying hello

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Hello all, I'm a new member to this forum and thus far I have very much enjoyed my stay. As you might be able to tell from my name, I'm a fan of women's hosiery regardless of type (stockings, holdups, pantyhose, tights, trouser socks, etc). For many years, I have endulged in seeking out any type of hosiery pictures that I can find, and I buy my wife these items as often as I can....and yes...I have purchased some for myself and like to wear them as a turn on from time to time. After many years of living with this hosiery fetish, I started to realize that a big part of what makes a woman's leg in hosiery look so nice (and sexy) are the shoes that she is wearing. My wife is not a big fan of wearing hosiery , but I have purchased quite a number of heeled shoes for her and she is wearing them more and more often. Hence I've started to appreciate heels more and more. And that is what has ultimately brought me to this forum. I hope to spend a fair amount of time here.

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Hey! hosieryishot, Although you are suggesting that high heels are secondary, I still want to welcome you and your wife to the forum. I will look forward to reading both your wife's and yours opinions and perspectives.

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Oh, how I wish wives and girlfriends all over the world understood that the desire to wear heels is universal and not confined to the gals. There are all kinds of examples that have manifested the truth of this, but people are so indoctrinated that they can't understand and they even fear such activities are perversions. So they tend to shun and resist any association and never really come to know the truth.

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