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Conspicuous Heels


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Scotty, I agree with Bob: The first style is unisex, i.e. no different from umpteen men's shoes, so no point in posting it. In fact, I've been surprised that you have talked about previous shoes with 1" heels, as many of my existing pairs of normal men's shoes from normal men's shoe shops are already 1". The second style is good fun! I like it - a little saucy without being too embarrassingly feminine. Scotty, can I please ask you something constructive as one forum member to another: In the interests of simplicity for the community, wherever possible can you please post such things under an existing established thread, rather than keeping-on starting new little threads every time? For example, these shoes could have been posted under the existing "Discreet Heels For Shyguys" rather than starting yet another thread on an already cluttered forum. The same applies to most of your previous postings, where suitable thread-titles already exist. I only say this because we have to think of future readers looking back over the threads, and it is so much more helpful to them if ALL the 'hyguy heels' are marshalled into one thread, and all the 'First Time Out in Heels' into another, and so on. If everyone were to do what you are doing, and were to start-up a new thread every time, the forum would drown in masses of one-off threads instead of existing to marshal all postings into a manageable number of main topics. As I say, I only mention this to be constructive and helpful to the general cause! Keep up the good work! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Actually the first shoe has a 2 inch heel, not a 1 inch heel. The fact that it looks unisex is the whole idea, those guys that want to wear a higher heel and be descrete, this is a very nice shoe to do that with. Secondly, I didn't realize there were rules for when to start/not start new threads. The rationale of why I created a new thread was; if I am new to the board or haven't been following a thread and see it is 2+ pages long, I sometimes get intimidated that if I just read the newest comment I won't be able to follow the thread and I don't feel like reading 2+ pages to get up on the thread, so I might not read it at all. I don't know what is better, lots of long threads or more shorter threads. But now that I know the "rules" I will research the threads more carefully before I post any comments here. Sorry. Scotty

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Scotty, I agree with Bob: The first style is unisex, i.e. no different from umpteen men's shoes, so no point in posting it. In fact, I've been surprised that you have talked about previous shoes with 1" heels, as many of my existing pairs of normal men's shoes from normal men's shoe shops are already 1".

Heelfan, I realize you are beyond wearing 1" and probably even 2" heel in public. I applaud you for being at that point. I myself and now comfortable wearing descrete 2" heels to work, however there are occasions I might go back to a 1" heel. Please keep in mind that everyone on these boards are not at the point we are at and quite possibly not even have the courage to go out in "womens" shoes at all. As a matter of fact it was Firefox that recommended I start with 1" to gain courage and slowly increase them. It is for THAT reason I talk about the 1" heels and the experiences to encourage those that haven't summounded the courage to go ahead and wear 1" heels to start out. I can certainly understand that you don't like the shoes nor find them appealing. That is fine. The original post wasn't for the masses to say "Hey these shoes are sexy, how about we all get a pair" but rather for those looking for less obvious shoes to say "Here is a pair you can wear out and not be noticed".

Thanks for all the hopefully "constuctive" critizism though, feedback is invaluable to know what is acceptable/unacceptable here. Please keep in mind that this is the first and only board I post to so I am not used to what is the boards acceptable "etiquette". Would it be possible to request that someone (perhaps Firefox himself) to post a message stating the proper etiquette for the board?



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Hello again Scotty! I'm only saying these to try and be helpful, encouraging and friendly. You've raised two points: Firstly, Although I now merrily street-heel away merrily in 4 1/2" to 5" heels total exposed below my trouser-bottoms, I am the LAST person to expect anxious new wearers and shyguys to plunge straight in and immediately emulate me or Firefox or Xaphod or Jeff. Far from it! For the vast majority of guys, it takes much step-by-step confidence-building to reach that stage, and I remember only to clearly my own first foray out of the house at the age of 12 in my mother's 2" heels. I was excited, but also scared sh**less! In memory of that early fear, I have specifically tried to start threads like "Discreet heels for Shyguys" to help the newboys. No, I was only saying that personally I see no point in starting QUITE as low as 1" because that is an ordinary man's heel-height. I certainly didn't mean you should plunge into 5" heels, merely that maybe 2" or 2 1/2" is a more constructive minimum starting height. Anyway, you've answered that point by saying that your illustrated shoes are already 2". Well done, and keep at it! Your second point was about new versus existing threads. I must stress that I am not a moderator, only an ordinary member. I wasn't quoting rules, but only expressing my personal view as to what I think is common sense and consideration for future readers. The keenest forum-users amongst us are constantly using these forums as archives due to ther richness of the invaluable high-heel information stored. If everyone followed you and started a tiny new thread for each and every personal topic and every new shoe bought, the forum would become an impossible shambles where we couldn't possibly find anything any more. It seems pure common sense that the creators of Megaforums set it up in such a way that you have a manageable number of main threads under which those subjects can be marshalled for future reference. However, the recent proliferation of people's small (and sometimes very inconsequential) threads has meant thaty the system is already getting very unwieldy and difficult to refer back to, and further proliferation of new thread-headings (when appropriate ones already exist) would only exascerbate an already growing problem. As I said, I am only saying this to try and be helpful and constructive to the general cause, and I hope my interest will encourage you and not discourage you. (Jo obviously agrees!), Cheerfully yours, Heelfan

Onwards and upwards!

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Hi Heelfan, First of all, I apologize if my first reply back seemed terse. I was up late after having had to drive home to take care of my sick daughter. Initially I took it a little stinging, but after some sleep I re-read it and took a less offensive tone by it. On the first topic: You are 100% correct to say that you and a lot of others are a lot further along than myself and a lot of us that are still being discrete about our heel wearing, and I am much further along that some guys that haven't even ventured out in higher heels. I think the reason FireFox said to start with 1" (and he can correct me if I am wrong) is to actually get used to the idea of walking outside in a shoe that is classified as a "woman's" shoe even though it looks very much like a man's shoe. When I have worn the 1", I have casually looked at the guys around me and indeed my heel is infact a little higher than the other guys who look more like around 1/2". It is more of a psychological step rather than a physical step if that makes sense? Without going out in that 1" heel, I would have never had the nerve to try a 2" heel at work, which I am now wearing. I still may have occasion to back off like if I am assigned a new customer or have a meeting with very high level people and I am representing my company, etc. I guess I was just trying to convey to other guys "Hey, if your nervous about taking the plunge, do what I did and go out with the 1" heel, you will be amazed at how quickly you get comfortable". I have another idea about using "hidden" heels, which I posted, in the modification/repair section. On the second topic which seemed to have touch more of a nerve. I guess my main thing is to say I am not starting threads to be malicious, just the opposite to be honest. I am new to posting on boards, and honestly this is the first board I ever felt at home and welcome (and that speaks very highly of the people that I have "met" here!). My reasons were not to add to an already LENGHLY thread that covers many pages (some go as far as 8 pages) because since I am new to the board, I am very intimidated to think I have to read all 8 pages of posts to get "up to speed" with the conversation to make sense of the latest reply. The second reason was I didn't want to "step" on someone else’s thread by redirecting the topic to me instead of them. However given the general conscience and after reading in the Form and site Specific Announcements where FireFox says in his thread "Guidelines for posting a new topic", I very much stand corrected and apologize profusely about creating additional threads. Again, I didn't do it maliciously. In the future I will be more careful before hitting the "Create New Thread" button. Thanks for the comments, sorry for the lengthy reply, Scotty

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Sorry I probably should tidy things up and make the forum etiquette a little clearer. It is all there but not as obvious as it might be. Multiple threads make the board difficult navigate. Technically you shouldn't post "dupe" threads but try to reply in an existing one. Technically I or the moderator shold lock or delete all dupicates or near duplicates, but I tend to be quite laissez faire as people get fed up having their threads locked all the time. What we should do soon is have a purge and get rid of many little threads with few posts which will make the board easier to get round. On the subject of starting heights, 1" is hardly daring is it :lol: I mean men's shoes regularly come in 1 1/2" heels so why not make 2 your starting point. Then 2 1/2, then 3 etc. Just do 1/2 increments over a few months. However some guys like 1" loafers or sandles with the different styling to regular boring mens styles so who am I to say, but from my point of view, start with 2" if you fancy having a go with heels.

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No problem FireFox, now that I understand the etiquette of the board, I will try to find a related topic to post to before starting one.

Anyway, I figured out a way (with HighLuc's help) to increase the heel of the shoe without modifying the shoe using a concept of a "hidden heel" inside the shoe. Please read this link for the details:

Hidden Heels



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Oh yes that is possibility for those who want the height or different feeling without attracting the attention. I honestly do prefer the style of seeing the heel outside the foot. It's quite like an artform to me so I don't have much time for the hidden lifts, but it may well be what you are looking for. Give it a try and see how you feel :lol:

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Hey FireFox. Keep in mind that two weeks ago I never thought I could venture out in heels let alone wear 2 inch heels to work, so years from now I might be where you are. I appreciate all your help and support to get me this far though. I will let you know how it works out. Thanks, Scotty

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I have an ample number of 6.5" stiletto platforms in size 13, from various places, and a few 3.5" to 5" non-platforms. Also a pair of custom leather boots in size 14 from Maya Shoes. I can wear those with athletic socks, but they are much less comfortable than sandals or slides for some reason.

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The absolute height isn't the issue, but whether the height gives you pleasure. Tonight I went out in 5 inch heels and it was great, Recently I was at a casual business function and though my heels were only 1 1/2 inches I enjojed them thoroughly because they were thigh high. They became my little secret and they thrill was immense!

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