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hi all

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Just poping in to say hi male here that loves high heels not only on my wife (which i have to beg to get here to wear) so instead i wear then myself in the house (when the kids arnt around) I would love to wear them more to be honest but modern beliefs mean that it would be deamed odd. currently i only have 1 pair of heels pantent black. anyway i just thought i would pop in before i went to work. (engineering manager for those interested) Catch up soon Tradari

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Welcome Tradari. With me it's in parts the same. My gf also doesn't wear heels to often, cause she is just not so comfortable with, although she really likes hhs. Strange, but its like that. So again welcome and i hope you'll enjoy your heeling and the forum. Dante.

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Just poping in to say hi

male here that loves high heels not only on my wife (which i have to beg to get here to wear) so instead i wear then myself in the house (when the kids arnt around)

I would love to wear them more to be honest but modern beliefs mean that it would be deamed odd.

currently i only have 1 pair of heels pantent black.

anyway i just thought i would pop in before i went to work. (engineering manager for those interested)

Catch up soon


Welcome to hhplace, Tradar :wave:i

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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