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Photo Gallery - Shoes and Animal Skin Rugs

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Hi All,

Check out my new Flickr group archive of photos of women's boots and shoes on animal skin fur rugs:


There should be 23 photos as of now (including two that do not really belong as there are no fur rugs in the picture), NOT 18....why the rest is not showing I do not know...but it can be seen by joining the group using your Flickr account.

Everyone is welcome to upload photos from ANY time period depicting ladies' shoes - being worn or not - on fur rugs. Photos of paintings from the renaissance period up to the introduction of photography are also acceptable as long as it shows a FUR RUG with a pair of woman's shoes/boots on it.

Have a look: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1435413@N20/


^ The 'rest' that are not showing are most likely marked as 'Restricted'...or....you need to be a Contact, Family or Friend of that person to view them.

PS: Are 'furry' shoes allowed...or must they be on a fur rug?

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

  pussyinboots said:

^ The 'rest' that are not showing are most likely marked as 'Restricted'...or....you need to be a Contact, Family or Friend of that person to view them.

PS: Are 'furry' shoes allowed...or must they be on a fur rug?

Thanks. They must be on an animal skin rug that was once alive.

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