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hey all :)

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Lets talk!

ps- how do i upload a picture to my profile?!

Hmm. While it's nice to have you join us here, Mr. HighHeel, it would be fitting and proper if you introduced yourself to all of us so we had some idea of what you wanted to talk about. So, why not take a couple of minutes and tell us something about your interest in high heels so we had an idea of where to begin. For instance, you call yourself "MrHighHeels. Does that mean that you wear high heels or are you just an admirer? And, if you do wear high heels, do you wear them in public or just in private behind closed doors?

As far as posting pictures goes, all things come with time. Had you bothered to read the introduction to this forum, you could have answered your own question.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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