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Platform sandals for the guys


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For the past few years there has been a growing obsession amongst fashion minded women towards wearing 2 and 3 inch platform thongs sandals during the summer months. The most popular bands include Steve Madden, Roxy, Volatile to name a few. Being in the summer mode I thought I would give them a try being that they looked quit comfortable. However for any man willing to chance wearing these high heel summer sandals finding a size that fits will be a problem if you wear something larger than a women’s size 11. I can say that I lucked out with women's size 10. Of course as with other similar high heel styles and interest there are the usual stares, and negative comments that come as part of the experience. I’ve been testing this personal fashion trend for the past 2 years now. What would it take to stir the interest of the fashion guru’s to promote this style of sandal for men? Would it be too radical a change from the typical men’s flat sandal? Would women see it as a patriarchal infringement on their fashion turf? Could they gain popularity amongst the teen crowd already into big shoes, and big jeans! Would it blur the line between the guys and gals fashion trends a too much

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i think its time for the line of gender specific fashion is totally blown away. theres enough men in the world that wear heels either openly or in the privacy of thier own homes. i would love to see high heeled shoes become popular for me everywhere and if it takes platform sandals to start the trend, all i can say is "where's my pair?"

the fastest way to this man's heart is with nice legs in high heels

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i think its time for the line of gender specific fashion is totally blown away.

theres enough men in the world that wear heels either openly or in the privacy of thier own homes. i would love to see high heeled shoes become popular for me everywhere and if it takes platform sandals to start the trend, all i can say is "where's my pair?"

There might be a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been able to find the platform thong style sandals in large sizes, and in some cases they don't refer to the size or style by gender. I just got new a pair of Volatile platform thongs with a 3"1/2 heel and 2" sole. Previously they were referred to as women's sandals. But that designation has been dropped. Now that might sound like nothing but it’s a start. Part of the problem is “what’s in a name or designation” well in most cases with guys and gals for that fact, it‘s a lot. So to start with by not referring to them as women’s sandals helps. Secondly it would take someone from the genX set to start things. Being that they usually don’t care what older or other people think about how they dress. Next it would take the right venue or setting where all types of people come together casually in a non-threatening, and non-performing way. Men like women sometimes play or react to a crowd. In the beginning until it becomes ‘cool’ to wear there will be limits on style, height, and maybe size. I like thong sandals because they have universal appeal with guys and gals. Now it’s just a matter of heel and sole height. The idea is to start a trend, and not sure what is used as a catalyst to bring it all together? How do fashion trends start, does anybody know?

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Kathy's thongs have 3 inch rubber bottoms. The label says "Sideout" which I've never heard of. The insoles are leather. She wore them when we went walking on the Stevens Creek Trail. The straps started to hurt her feet after about a mile so we had to turn back. She suggested that she could go barefoot the rest of the way (the trail is paved) but I'm very protective of her feet. I got quite aroused watching her walk in her thongs. Her feet are small and she has well-formed toes. She says she'll bring a pair of slides next time so we'll be able to do the entire 4 miles.


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I'm moving this topic to the "for the guys forum". Sorry to be gender specific on that :lol: but it's in the interests of keeping the the board more tidy so people can find various topics. I don't think a trend for guy's platform sandals will start. Be realistic a moment. The sucessful trends started by fashion shows or celebs are those which will appeal to a broad cross section of people and I don't think more than 5-10% of guys would be interested in this type of fashion even if it was a "trend". 5% is not enough. You need 30-40% to make it work. However, there's a silver lining to that cloud. Just go out and wear them. Form your own trend. You'll be unique in your area but who knows, one or two more timid souls may follow you.

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I'm moving this topic to the "for the guys forum". Sorry to be gender specific on that :lol: but it's in the interests of keeping the the board more tidy so people can find various topics.

I don't think a trend for guy's platform sandals will start. Be realistic a moment. The sucessful trends started by fashion shows or celebs are those which will appeal to a broad cross section of people and I don't think more than 5-10% of guys would be interested in this type of fashion even if it was a "trend". 5% is not enough. You need 30-40% to make it work.

However, there's a silver lining to that cloud. Just go out and wear them. Form your own trend. You'll be unique in your area but who knows, one or two more timid souls may follow you.

Thanks for the advice. You’re probably right. It was wishful thinking on my part.

And I will continue to wear them (as awkward as it is sometimes). As fashion goes they are no stranger than some other styles I’ve seen over the years. I guess the closet we've gotten to acceptance were in the 70s when platform shoes and bamboo beach thongs for guys were in. From my own experience if your not too tall and you don’t wear a size greater than a women’s size 12 (men’s 11). They don’t look bad. I can say on the positive side that if anyone is interested, they are comfortable (just don’t try and walk 4 miles in them, the best I’ve done is about 2 miles). Who knows maybe with some luck that 5-10% may turn into 30-40, and some fashion mogul may be counting the money potential and wondering ‘why didn’t we promote this sooner’? And in the area around Venice and Santa Monica Calif. All kinds of things happen ! So stay tuned ….

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Stay tuned certainly. The west coast seems to be a haven for avent garde fashion compared to some more conservative areas in the East of USA. I'm going on what my friends say here but it seems to be a general pattern. You're right in that some people need a trend to make them get going. I'm 5'8" and wear a size 9-10 US so I don't have problems in that regard. Also I don't mind being different. It's all in the mind and people respect me for that. Mine is not a majority view though. Most people would like some kind of green flag from society or shoes labelled in their gender category or whatever.

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Here's last summer's discussion on the subject. Mine are about halfway down the page. This summer I've got a pair of black maybe halfway in height between the ones shown -- about 2 3/4 inches at the heel and 1 1/4 at the sole.

I also found the identical sandal in dark blue and have worn one pair or the other to work nearly every day this summer, (a pretty casual office environment), and just about everywhere else.

I discovered nobody at the office realizes I have 2 pairs because one day I accidentally wore one blue and one black. I realized it and pointed it out to people and they seemed surprised it took me this long to notice I bought a pair of mis-matched sandals. But they know me and weren't especially surprised to find out I have 2 pairs.

My boss keeps buying nearly identical shoes, too. Once she wore 2 different versions of the same burgundy 2 inch heel pumps. The only difference I could see was 2 slightly different heel shapes. Of course I spotted the discrepancy 3 hours before she did :lol:

My EVA platform sandals inventory reads:

  • 2 inch black unknown brand from a supermarket
  • 2 1/2 inch PayLess brown
  • 2 3/4 inch "Joe Boxer" from K-Mart black
  • 2 3/4 inch "Joe Boxer" from K-Mart blue
  • 3 1/4 inch Payless black
  • 3 1/4 inch Steve Madden black with cloth camouflage topsoles
  • 3 1/2 inch Payless black
  • 3 1/2 inch Payless tan
It's too many pairs for my space, but it's a lot cheaper than collecting Manolo Blahnik. The total investment was $98 including $30 for the Steve Maddens.

I'll update this next summer :lol:

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Here's last summer's discussion on the subject. Mine are about halfway down the page. This summer I've got a pair of black maybe halfway in height between the ones shown -- about 2 3/4 inches at the heel and 1 1/4 at the sole.

I also found the identical sandal in dark blue and have worn one pair or the other to work nearly every day this summer, (a pretty casual office environment), and just about everywhere else.

I discovered nobody at the office realizes I have 2 pairs because one day I accidentally wore one blue and one black. I realized it and pointed it out to people and they seemed surprised it took me this long to notice I bought a pair of mis-matched sandals. But they know me and weren't especially surprised to find out I have 2 pairs.

My boss keeps buying nearly identical shoes, too. Once she wore 2 different versions of the same burgundy 2 inch heel pumps. The only difference I could see was 2 slightly different heel shapes. Of course I spotted the discrepancy 3 hours before she did :lol:

My EVA platform sandals inventory reads:

  • 2 inch black unknown brand from a supermarket
  • 2 1/2 inch PayLess brown
  • 2 3/4 inch "Joe Boxer" from K-Mart black
  • 2 3/4 inch "Joe Boxer" from K-Mart blue
  • 3 1/4 inch Payless black
  • 3 1/4 inch Steve Madden black with cloth camouflage topsoles
  • 3 1/2 inch Payless black
  • 3 1/2 inch Payless tan
It's too many pairs for my space, but it's a lot cheaper than collecting Manolo Blahnik. The total investment was $98 including $30 for the Steve Maddens.

I'll update this next summer :lol:

I’m glad to hear that there are a few other brave 'soles' out there. I started out with a pair of 2 1/2" EVA platform thongs and then move up to my current 3 1/2". Just out of curiosity. What kind of reaction do you get at work, if any, and what style of clothing do you wear with your sandals? From my experience the wardrobe and setting seem to make or break the experience of wearing them. Some men and or women have no reaction and or pay no attention what so ever. Other’s go all out to make sure you and everyone else in the room knows that they disapprove of your choice in style. I’ve heard it said that ‘fashion is what everybody does’, but ‘style is what you do’. Too bad most everybody out there with the exception of those on this board seems to have a problem with style, I wonder why? Here is my small inventory:

2 1/2" Old Navy with black rubber top soles

2 1/2" Outlight with Bamboo top soles

3 1/2" LEI with Bamboo top soles

3 1/2" LEI with black rubber top soles

3 1/2" Nomad with black rubber top soles

3 1/2" Volatile with black rubber top soles

3 1/2" Payless with black rubber top soles

Out of the whole collection the Volatile brand are the most comfortable with their wide heels and soles along with a very soft foam top sole. No problem standing or walking for long periods of time in these. The LEI version is made out of a very hard rubber material with plastic thong straps, not very comfortable to wear over any long period of time. The same goes for the material that the payless pair are made out of albeit they are good for extended walks and soften with wear. How do you feel after a full day of wearing platforms, any problems there? Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight for style!

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I got hooked on platform thongs when I bought my first pair in the USA in 1976. I still have them and 2 years ago they were available again but my original ones don't wear out too much.

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In 2000 the style was revived and I bought these from the Steve Madden website.

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My latest pair in trendy jeans was acquired new through e-bay and has a bamboo inner sole.

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I wear these styles in public since years and I can prove that with a holiday shot on the beaches of Varadero in Cuba last year.

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I've got many more styles of platform slides and sandals on my website and was happy wearing these when they were fashionable in the early seventies and again since the mid nineties.

Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Laurence

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