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Paramaro from Belgium salutes you

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Hi everybody! I am Paramaro, 30 years old and I go nuts when I see or think about high heels, especially when my beloved wife wears them for me. We allready have quite a collection. Maybe I can upload some pictures of them, so you can tell me if you like them. I live in Belgium, and if you want to know something abut me, just ask! Greetz , Paramaro

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Hi everybody! I am Paramaro, 30 years old and I go nuts when I see or think about high heels, especially when my beloved wife wears them for me. We allready have quite a collection. Maybe I can upload some pictures of them, so you can tell me if you like them. I live in Belgium, and if you want to know something abut me, just ask!

Greetz , Paramaro

Welcome to hhplace, Paramaro :) Nice to have another member from Belgium. Do you wear heels yourself?


Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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