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greetings from holland. I'm a male, 42 years old and walking on high heels for years now. Unfortunaly not enough but once a month a few hours private or in public depending the occasion. Dressed as a male but on heels and not taking to much afford in trying to hide them. I like the feeling of walking in heels. mostly 5", comfortable and looking natural. i have lovely 5" sneakers from anne michelle and they fit like a glove. When walking on higher heels it isn't walking anymore. :blinkbigeyes: Have to practice more i think. Under my suit i sometimes wear 5" oxford's. For a lunch or shopping after work it is a wonderfull moment. People look but i have never got any comments (or compliments).

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No exiting stories as others write on the forum. Sometimes people see the heels but there is never a reaction, only a quick look. I wear them the same way as my regular shoes and do my usual thing. Nothing to get exited for the dutch i think. I'm thinking of buying a pair knee high dark brown 5,5 inch boots, for practice and because i love the looks. Can't hide them when wearing them over my jeans, when i have them and get a response i'll write it. :blinkbigeyes:

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Welcome to hhplace, heye81 :pulsingheart: Interesting what you said about wearing a new pair of boots over your trousers. Should you wish to discuss this aspect of wearing heels or boots in general, there are several members that would love to discus the subject. Just ask. :blinkbigeyes:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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