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I wish I could say that I was a young stallion from the South that actually says "Howdy", but alas, I am not. I'm just a poor, mid-western college kid. But, I don't think I'm a normal college guy. I would say I'm quite mature and responsible. I come from a decently conservative background, but have always been very sexually interested. I love to learn, listen, educate, and read about things sexual. Therefore, I can admit that I am a leg/foot partialist. I do not wear heels myself and probably never will, but I understand that many men could enjoy that. I do, however, thoroughly enjoy admiring a woman's legs/feet especially in a great pair of heels (and especially in a pair of hose or stockings). I don't prefer an extreme heel, but around 3 or 4 inches, but love when they have straps that travel up the leg. I do have a serious girlfriend who indulges me in some of my fantasy, but it's something that I haven't wanted to push too hard, because I realize that it isn't something that I NEED and because I know she's a poor college student like myself and she is very academically ambitious. (Though part of me wishes I could buy her all kinds of heels for her to wear all the time...) But, I'm just here because I found the environment very welcome and discussion quite refreshing. I hope I can be a contributor... Thanks!

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welcome to hhplace urbanman5588. :pulsingheart: Just stick around for a while and I'm positive you can find a discussion thread to which you can contribute. We're always interested in all points of view. And, perhaps you might even convince yourself to try wearing a pair of heels. Who knows, like a lot of us here, you might even enjoy the feeling. :blinkbigeyes:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Urbanman5588:-) Looking at girls wearing heels is only part of the fun. Trying on a pair yourself can only open up a whole new way of looking at heels. Try it, you may like it. Keep reading here and soon you will find something that will cause you to want to reply to. Welcome to the HH Place. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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