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Both sscotty727 and Jamie001 have good points to be made. However, as you are a human being, you have the right (and especially as an adult) to make changes. I first started by shaving my head, then legs, then everything else. All of this was gradually in stages as I desired to make changes FOR ME.

The same goes for painted toenails. My stepdaughter first saw, then got used to it; although I still get the occasional comment (the toe nails are black). She also noticed the shaving; my answer, I don't like body hair - END OF STORY.

So, do what you want to do, but do it gradually in stages. My advice with my 21 year old step daughter and 18 year old daughter; you can't live in fear of what they think but can be sensitive to their issues.

It's all about the heel!

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It's not all about my daughter. There are many factors involved, wife, son, work, etc.. I myself am at a crossroads. In some ways I want my heeling to be private, and in others I want it to be open. There are people that I deal with outside the home who know. My bank teller, busted me about a year ago. I was in doing a transaction, sitting at a desk, and she was in an office watching me. When I left I got the biggest smile I have ever seen on anyone. The next week "I asked her why the smile?". She said she liked my shoes. We talk about heels now and we show each other our shoes whenever we get something new. I wore heels a couple weeks ago to my new dentist to pick up something. I was hoping she would notice and bring it up. I don't think she did. But for every person that I want it to be open with, there are 3 that I don't want to know. It's just where I am right now with me and my heeling. I will shave when the time is right for me, and that does include toes!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, its me again. I just read through this/my post all over again. Some of the comments supportive, some in the middle, and some calling me less then a man. It does seem to me that "if wearing heels and other femine articles was so easy", then there would be no need for this forum. Thanks again to all, and I am glad this forum exist!!! BCBG

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After reading these post and it's a year later I'm quite curios as where you are now with heels , shaven legs etc

In the process of becoming the person I always was...but didn't dare to let her come out

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I am sympathetic with men who find that family considerations limit their self expression. That is one of my reasons for remaining perpetually single. Wearing heels seems to me to be a harmless hobby. To me, it would be unacceptable to have a wife or children issuing me footwear orders. As a consequence of my individuality, I have avoided family life. That has not been a sacrifice for me, because marriage and children were never on my to-do list. Over the years, I have not had any long term relationships. Relationships, yes, but always temporary. If things became uncomfortable, I was always willing to walk away. It was a low threshold. The escape hatch always had to be open. If I was dating a woman, and she strongly objected to my heels, I would wish her well, and move on. I don't need someone who wants to tell me what to do. No wife and no kids was my plan, and I stuck with it. I place very small value on family life. Too much trouble, if you ask me.

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Hi, its me again. I just read through this/my post all over again. Some of the comments supportive, some in the middle, and some calling me less then a man. It does seem to me that "if wearing heels and other femine articles was so easy", then there would be no need for this forum.

Thanks again to all, and I am glad this forum exist!!!


No matter what advice you get, the bottom line is that you are comfortable and secure with the decision you make, no matter what others think of it. Good luck to you.

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I am just reading this thread, and I agree, the kids and family and their feelings should be taken first. I have been pretty open about heeling in public for about 3 years now, but when I am with my children and especially with my children and their friends, I take their consideration first. I know how cruel children can be to each other, and I do not ever want to put my son in a situation where he has to defend his dad because of my quirks. I currently do a lot of things taking my family into consideration first. For example, I shave my legs about 6 months of the year during non-shorts wearing season (so they remain hidden most of the time during that time), and then I use a groomer to keep my leg hair cut short the other 6 months of the year. So when I wear shorts, my legs just look like I dont have that much hair, but dont look clean shaven. This is a compromise, so I dont embarass my family when I wear shorts and I am out with them. This is just one example, painting my toes is another. I started painting my toe nails as well in the past year, and enjoy wearing reds and such, but I will not wear open toe sandals (I will wear closed toe sandals/shoes instead) when I have red toe nails and I am with my kids. I will however paint my toe nails clear or with a subtle shade or with lighter tips, sort of like a french pedicure, but not as obvious, and do wear those with open toe sandals. Just another compromise I do for my kids. Anyway, its fine for some to say its your feet, your legs, etc, just do what you want. Well, thats somewhat selfish thinking, its fine for a single guy perhaps, but when you have a family, they must come first.

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