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Hello, i registered in this forum a few weeks ago (to be able to see the pictures to tell you the truth), and i've really enjoyed reading some threads. I finally decided to make a post because today i just got very good news. First a little about myself im a colombian man who loves heels, in fact one of the things that attracted me to my current gf is the fact that she wears them a lot. A few days ago i decided to start a living with said girlfriend (ive lived with my parents so far) so we are currently planning everything for what will be our first home. The good news is that just today i told her that i not only love high heels on her (she already knows that) but that i would like to have some for myself and wear them around the house whe we are alone. She thinks this is quite strange, but in the end she said "i'll guess we will have to buy a pair for you then", and our day together carried on quite normally, so she seems to be ok with the idea and now i'm even more exited to move to an apartment with her. We are some monts away form this goal, but today im really happy about her reaction, so i figure it would be a good time to introduce myself and share the good news :blinkbigeyes: I would also like to thank everyone in this forum, because if i hadn't been reading the stories and experiences i read here in the last weeks i probably would not have gathered the courage to tell her about this, so this site literally made my life better (or at least will make it in a near future)

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welcome to the forum, jdmonto :pulsingheart: Congratulations to you and your gf. Please do not ever let her think that you like high heels more than you like her. Remember, she is always the most important thing in your life....not her shoes. I wish you happiness in your relationship. :blinkbigeyes:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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"not ever let her think that you like high heels more than you like her" that could never happen, i love her not the shoes, those are just a very welcome adittion to the greatest girl in the world.

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"not ever let her think that you like high heels more than you like her" that could never happen, i love her not the shoes, those are just a very welcome adittion to the greatest girl in the world.

That's good to know. With that, you are on the right track......

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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