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My Birthday


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Today is my birthday and I am 56 years old. And at 56 years old, I feel the same way today about wearing high heels as I did when I was a younger man. As many of you have heard me say, and I apoligize for repetition, I wore high heels during the 70's disco era every day and everywhere and everyone seemed to be wearing them and there were few negative feelings toward men wearing high heels because it was the fashion at that time. I keep hoping that society will move in that direction again and accept men wearing high heels. I really believe there is more of an acceptance now than there was several years ago. More people are expressing themselves in different ways (tatoos, piercings, fashion, etc.) that self-expression is all around us. Live and let live! I am enjoying my time here at HHP and it is so refreshing to see so many women but especially men who have such strong feelings for high heels. I will continue to enjoy all of the postings at this site.

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A 'Very Happy Birthday' from me too. My husband would agree with you about heels for men. He was a 'young blade' in the 70's and he often says that it was a far more happy and laid back era. He wore outrageous platform boots all the time!

He would disagree with you about people being more relaxed about men in heels these days however. Modern fashion and music trends unfortunately reinforce sexual sterotypes rather than encouraging invividuality at the moment....although he and I both believe that what goes around comes around......

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

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Roniheels:-) Happy Birthday from Mickey and I both. May you have many more heel filled Birthdays to come. I hope that what Pussyinboots says is true. What goes around comes around. But you better grab the brass ring the first time before it becomes too late as you may not be able physically to grab it later on. Another old saying may apply here, "Strike while the iron is hot". Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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