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hello, don't speek verry welle english

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I'm French. It's quite difficult to use this site because i don' enderstand verry well navigation in your site. So sorry for my verry bad english. i'm leaving near Paris. I love boots from i was 10 years old. for a long time i thout that i was alone to have this obsession. as the time past i could see that there was many people wo have this passion. With internet it become essyer to find people. So i im verry happy to join your community. Could you help me and tell me how i could see my mails on your site ??? regards

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Welcome to hhplace, ballete boots :) First of all, please don't let your unfamiliarity with English stop you from posting comments on our site. Secondly, you are not the only one from the Paris area that is a member here. There are several other members that live in an area that must be near where you live. Just search our membership list and I'm sure you will find them. And, I am also sure that they will be happy to help you solve any problems or answer any questions that you might have about high heels, boots and participating in this forum. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I quite agree with Bubba's introduction to you and welcome to the HH Place Forum. Don't worry about your English as we all will be able to see and understand just what you are talking about. Enjoy your stay here. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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