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Hi from Surrey

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Hi i am a guy in surrey and would like to get straight into it by asking why are there Mens shoes and Womens shoes. Why are there not Just Shoes

Who decides whats fashion. I will tell you who decides whats fashion

a bunch of turnip heads that never wear the stuff. They wear stuff designed by some other bozo

Have you seen some of the freaky far out stuff these designers wear

Stuff that would not look out of place in a nightclub out in space

It is most certainly not fashion but they get away with it

they say they are vibrant, extravigant and colourful. I say they are bonkers

If its ok for them to wear stuff like this


Then why can't guys wear high heels and skirts

Why cant they just design stuff for Everybody and let whoever wear whatever they like and not wear whats considered fashion

I love High Heel shoes. Not because they are womens shoes

But Because I like them

I have dozens and dozens pf pairs of high heel shoes and sandals

I also got a real big thing about Gladiator sandals & toe post sandals

But not flip-flops. I hate flip-flops they are ugly things

I dont buy stuff because it is mens or womens I buy stuff I Like

some of it mens some of it is womens

I have various womens clothes again not because they are womens

its just stuff I Like.

I also love figure hugging lycra like leotards and swimsuits.

I have a great knee length cardigan and I adore Catsuits and Skirts

I just wish society had not drawn this rediculous line that says this is his and that is hers

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even though you have a lot of stuffs that cross the gender lines, do you ever wear any of it outside of your house? Or, does your criticism just apply when you're dressed up and don't go anywhere ? And oh, welcome to hhplace. I can see from your posts that it's going to be fun having you here.:winkiss:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I do wear a lot of my what you would call womens clothes and shoes outside I have been doing it for many years now At first I was terrified of the possible reaction It was not as bad as I expected you do often get funny looks but I suppose that is only to be expected I have been doing it for more than 20 years now and you will always get those that give you funny looks some might even have some smart arse comment but I say sod'em I say they are not womens clothes or shoes they are simply My clothes or shoes

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