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I need an advice

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I'm new here. I've been browsing tons of forums for an idea of what to do. I was laid off from my job about 3 month ago. I've been looking for a job since then, but did not even get a single interview. I worked as a web designer for a publishing company for the last 5 years. Looks like www.hhplace.org is an active forum with active members and may be someone has some experience working as a freelance web designer. May be "http://www.hhplace.org/hellos_goodbyes_introductions/" category is not the most appropriate for this question, but I want to try anyways to get some opinions before I go ahead with my life. I'm wondering if it is possible in the current economy to find work for a freelance web designer and make enough to pay for rent and groceries. I was able to find a small project on craigslist and I developed a website for a company. It was a small project and took me only a week to complete. I got paid $800 for 1 week of work which is not bad. Please people give me some ideas. I have 2 kids and my wife is out of work as well. Thank you in advance.

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Okay, this is the High Heels Meeting Place.

I thought we made that fairly clear.

It's not an employment agency. (You have got to be the first person who ever thought it was!)

You are not going to find a job here, even the staff doesn't get paid. It is a volunteer operation.

Please forgive me for coming across so stridently but reality is reality. The Internet is a powerful tool to assist in a job search but it cannot be the entire answer. You are going to have to get out from behind your terminal, knock on some doors and really search. The Internet can guide you as to where to search but it is not going to do everything for you. You are really wasting your time if your job search led you here.

You do Web design -- maybe you are going to have to branch out into another field? Maybe you are going to have to develop some new skills -- even go back to school (yes, I hear you -- it isn't easy -- I know this -- there isn't an alternative).

Tough love -- get offa yer duff and pound some pavement. There are jobs out there.

BTW, Easy for me to say? I'm working 180 miles away from my home due to a plant closure.

Have a happy time!

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A job is a job. You may have to start out in a totally different position just to pay the bills and with luck get back into web design at a later date. There are jobs out there and don't think it meaningless to do anything to get food on the table as long as it is legitament employment for now. Good luck in your search for work. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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